4.12 Elk - Long Snow Moon
4.12.2 Comparisons of the Western Zodiac, the Medicine Wheel, and the Chinese Zodiac
- Greco-Roman Zodiac: Sagittarius; mutable, fire, ruler exalted
- Zodiacal associations: animal is Centaur (Sagittarius); stone, Turquoise or Zircon
- Roman zodiacal associations:
- animal is Centaur, Horse; plant, Rush; gem, Jacinth
- color, Blue, symbol, Centaur, Archer
- Amerindian associations
- animal is Elk; plant, Black Spruce; mineral, Obsidian; color, Black
- Chinese animal associations are Boar or Pig, Tiger, Horse
- Eck-Vidya associations - Niyamg, Onyx, December, Muzuart, Years of the Trembling Leaf
4.12.5 Eck-Vidya associations
- Niyamg, Onyx, December of the annual cycle
- Muzuart, Years of the Trembling Leaf of the Duodenary Cycle (12 years) Months of the ECK-Vidya Wheel
and their workings with the law of karma
- Niyamg, or the days of charity, which is the month of the onyx
- Is the last of the twelve periods of the ancient ECK-Vidya calendar
- Those persons born in this period are usually of a negative nature
- Until the living ECK Master can have an opportunity to change them
- They have specific karmic problems in wasting energy
- Because few persons born during this period know how to relax
- This waste is often reflected in their actions and reactions to others
- It is that period in which the cycle of the ECK-Vidya is completed
- And the living ECK Master is gathering up the loose ends of incarnations
- Which the individual born in this period has gone through
- Sometimes it is a heavy load of karma for the individual
- But when it is paid, the incarnating Soul is then ready to step out fresh
- With this karma sublimated in spiritual power
- Then he doesn't have to return to this physical universe ever again
- The Niyamg is fortunate to be able to get along well
- With those born in the Astik period, the month of the emerald
- Because of the general wisdom of the Astikist
- If married they have a mate to help guide them
- Through all the difficulties of this heavy karma
- While the living ECK Master is assisting in lifting it Years of the Duodenary Cycle
- Eck-Vidya Cycles
- The yearly period is the little cycle
- The three-year period is the middle cycle
- The twelve-year period is the greater cycle
- The greater cycle which is called the Haram, or the Duodenary
- It is the higher vibrations which rotate every twelfth year
- Changes occur in the chemistry and spiritual makeup of men, nations, planets and communities
- By uplifting those Souls which make up these units of civilizations
- Of course some will not be lifted because of their degeneration or slow progress
- Year 12: Cycle of the Trembling Leaf = Muzuart
- These people are hyperactive and cheerful in their disposition
- But they tend to tire themselves to the point of sheer exhaustion
- Because of their sheer excess of zeal for doing a good job
- They do enjoy poking around in some odd corner of the world
- Doing things that few people have ever done
- And exploring the occult and the psychic sciences
- Some women born during this period have the knack of incessant chatter
- Which drives mates, relatives and friends up the wall
- Their enthusiasm for almost everything that appears in their lives is too much for others
- Yet despite this most men will be and are highly stimulated by them
- And often, as mates and employees find them irreplaceable
- Women of this cycle do well in the entertainment world, and often in newspaper work
- The men born in this cycle are usually highly placed executives
- They seem to have a natural talent for this type of career
- They are also good as explorers, detectives and reformers
- Once they become interested in a subject
- Tthey follow that subject as far as they can
- Often becoming so absorbed that they forget to eat or sleep
- They sometimes have a tendency to put up a facade
- Which will mask their real intentions and concerns
- About their own problems, and how they feel about others
- These people do well in marriage with those in the first and third cycles
- Respectively, the Years of the Fierce Winds, and Years of the Brilliant Sun
- However, they can do reasonably well with most any of those born in any cycle of the duodenary cycles