Eck-Vidya Wheel
The Middle Cycle
Three Wheels
Inner Wheel - Twelve Monthly Cycles
Named after the various jewels
Katsupari Monastery
Middle Wheel - Ecueques or Triad
Followed the twelve-month period/cycle
Called the Ecueques or Triad
Theory that man changes somewhat in nature & bodily chemistry every 3 years
Making 36 periods within this cycle made of various metals & their influences on man
It is the 3 into 3, into 3, or better known as the Triad
In which the metals rule over the jewels of the thirty day periods (months)
These 9 metals are Aluminum, Silver, Copper, Gold, Iron, Lead, Tin, Zinc, Mercury
These rule over the sequence of the three in three, in three
Known for life giving qualities of those living in the human consciousness state within the worlds of matter
Outer Wheel -
Twelve Years or Duodenary Cycle
The Middle Wheel of Ecueques or Triad
Metal 1 - Aluminum
Used so much as an amulet in the East,
With desire to promote one's welfare, good fortune and happiness with material things
This is a progressive period of life
Metal 2 - Silver
The period of quiet, moody times, mystical in its moonlike quality
Passive in nature, feminine and secretive
Amulets of it used for keeping and protection of secrets
A guard from the perils of wter
Attuned to sign of
, month of onyx
It is the metal of secret dreams and equally secret fears
Which brings it within the realm of moody attitudes
Which run from the highest to the lowest
Metal 3 - Copper
A metal much influenced by
, month of the jade
Has the earth qualities of warmth and good food
The words 'glowing warmth' would fit its descriptive qualities very well
Copper bracelets or having a piece of copper on one's own person
Has always been a guard against arthritis and rheumatism
Both of which are aggravated by cold
All muscular discomforts caused by cold are also relieved by copper
Its vibrations so often counteract the effects of negative
Or depressive tensions set up by problems
Or lack of communication between people
The cheerful qualities of copper pans and pots in a kitchen
So many times help keep down tensions and troubles within a household
Metal 4 - Gold
A firey, dry metal; said to be the king of metals
The metal of kings for all rulers of nations have made gold a stanard of royalty
A heat intense metal, which symbolizes success in everything
A ruling metal of
, month of the ruby
Allied to those of royalty, the theatre and business
It seems to have been and will always be the metal which lures
Those brave enough and strong enough to steal, murder or create wars over it
Metal 5 - Iron
A conductor of heat, but not the firey, glowing kind that gold possesses
Represents the terrible fury of battle, lust and gore
It is a vengeful weapon
The Hittites of the ancient world were the first to find that iron was useful for conquest
And set out to put all others in the Middle East under their power
The chains that hold man captive and are resistive to liberty are made of iron
Even when its uses are beneficial like instruments for heating
The glowing iron contains the fury of the inner furnace
There is a wall of glowing metal between the fire and the world
Metal 6 - Lead
It has always been a serious, somber metal with a heaviness
Which rather depressed those who had anything to do with it
However the heavy-spirited manner in which it is encased
Does not prevent it from being mystically endowed
It is used by the Germans who are not a light-hearted people anyway
To foretell the future on New Year's Day
This form of divination is called Blieigiessen
And is given in the following manner
A small amount of lead is dissolved in a spoon over a candle
And when it is liquid, it is dropped into a bowl of cold water
The shape that it forms is supposed to foretell the year ahead
For the person holding the spoon
The shape is interpreted as representative of the events of the year ahead
With the idea that the form points to some specific event
In the twelve months' period
Metal 7 - Tin
Somewhat associated with
, the month of the pearl
Symbolic of good fortune and a metal of progress and development
On the psychic planes it is a metal which is moist and warm
And therefore an expanding force
Metal 8 - Zinc
A metal which is in harmony with
, the month of the agate, the days of friendship
It is a metal which attracts those who are rather dry-witted in a manner
And is a conductor of loyalty in the human nature
It is one which has been known for several thousand years, somewhat heavy in nature
Yet able to serve the purpose of being an all purpose metal
Known in ancient times and used by the Romans
It is greyish in color and used a great deal in the ancient and middle ages
For making of household wear, dishes and cups
Today it is one of the best alloys that we have
In the making of many differnt types of things
It is also connected with
, the month ot the Sapphire
And has a deep mystical meaning for those interested in influences
That it may have on their life
It can be worn, as pure zinc, in an amulet
For warding off lung troubles and stomach upsets
The only place that it might be possible to get pure zinc amulets
Is through special shops which sell occult materials
Metal 9 - Mercury
It is the last of the three in three, in three metals
It is influenced by the month of
, that of the bloodstone
Those who are most influenced by this metal
Find that it represents love and freedom in their lives
Yet they are of a fluid nature because of the aspects of the metal
It is a metallic element, yet it is liquid at ordinary temperatures
Because of its mobility and its color
it was first called quicksilver by the alchemists about the 6th century
It was known to the ancient Chinese and Hindus at least 2000 years BC
Also it was found in the tombs of the Egyptian rulers in 1500 BC
As stated those who are influenced by the metal
They are free in the ideas of love and freedom
But on the other hand these people usually have a mercurial disposition
They can run from hot to cold in their moods on an instant's notice
Friends are usually sensitive in their presence because of this quick change in disposition
The Ecueques, or the Triad
Makes the mental change in man every three years
He becomes more alert in his thinking
Provided that he is unfolding spiritually according to the way of Eckankar
Otherwise if a person is not unfolding in the right manner or going backwards
The Triad is likely to work in reverse
That is should the individual be idle in thought
Or shiftless in his mental processes
But once the individual turns to trying to improve himself mentally
There is little problem in his gaining in intellect
And understanding of all things through the mental senses
Eck Book of Laws
Mesopotamian Wheels
Ezekiel's Jewish Wheel
A Cuniform Wheel
Babylonian Wheel
Egyptian Wheel
Eck-Vidya Wheel
© 1997-2009
Refiner of Gold Creations
Created 6/18/1998 by EMC, Updated 11/13/2009.