Eck-Vidya Wheel
The Katsupari Monastery Twelve Month Model
Three Wheels
Inner Wheel - Twelve Monthly Cycles
Named after the various jewels
Katsupari Monastery model
Middle Wheel -
or Triad
Followed the twelve-month period/cycle
Called the Ecueques or Triad
Theory that man changes somewhat in nature & bodily chemistry every 3 years
Making 36 periods within this cycle made of various metals & their influences on man
It is the 3 into 3, into 3, or better known as the Triad
In which the metals rule over the jewels of the thirty day periods (months)
These 9 metals are Aluminum, Silver, Copper, Gold, Iron, Lead, Tin, Zinc, Mercury
These rule over the sequence of the three in three, in three
Known for life giving qualities of those living in the human consciousness state within the worlds of matter
Outer Wheel -
Twelve Years or Duodenary Cycle
The Katsupari Monastery Model
Katsupari Monastery is in northern Tibet
There is a painting on ceiling called the Bhava Chakra
The cycle of transmigratory existence
This meant the cycles which Soul goes through while on this earth
The outer circle of this wheel was divided into twelve parts
Which are the periods of the jewels
Called nidanas, or the causes that move each individual Soul to reincarnate
These Nidanas are the twelve ECK-Vidya signs
Each of which contains within it an impulse to action
Or a cause that brings Soul back again into this world
Nidana 1 -
Represented by the unconscious will
This is called the blind man
Signifies Soul passing from death to rebirth
And on to death and rebirth again
The cycle of transmigratory existence
Nidana 2 -
Called conformation
Represented by the potter and his pots
Signifying Soul shaping Its materials of the mental and physical natures
For this world
Nidana 3 -
Called the conscious will
It is typified by the restlessness of the human consciousness
Or that of money
Signifies the rise of conscious experience in the individual Soul of man
Nidana 4 -
The self-consciousness
Represented by a ship containing all that Noah's Ark had
Man, woman, and animals
Signifies the rise of the quality of individuality
Nidana 5 -
Is given in the symbol of an empty house
Represents the development of the sensory perceptions
Nidana 6 -
A figure representing marriage
Signifies the focusing of the sense of perceptions upon the exterior objects
Nidana 7 -
Rpresented by a figure with an arrow through its heart
Signifes the illusion of pain and pleasure and their reactions upon Soul
To see through this illusion is to have freedom
Nidana 8 -
Called desire
Represented by a figure crawling in the dust
With its hands up pleading to the heavens for its desires to be fulfilled
Signifies the experiences of gratification
Nidana 9 -
Represented by a man with food all around him
Stuffing himself with it
Signifies attachment to worldly possessions
And those who cannot give up such possessions
Nidana 10 -
Represented by maturity
Signifies the fullness of material existence
Brought to the highest philosophical level
Nidana 11 -
Represented by the birth of a son
Signifies the paying of all debts to nature
And final detachment from this physical world and its attachments
Nidana 12 -
Shows the dead body being carried to the grave by twelve pall bearers
Signifes decay of all points of contact by which life is held to the material state
And spiritual unfoldment into the next world
Recycling the Nidanas
After the twelfth nidana, the first cycle for some begins again
It goes through all the cycles of existence
The nidana represents the dominating consciousness
Or the place of Soul in the great cycle of progress
The ego has its birth, growth, maturity and decay
So many hundreds of these lives form together a greater cycle
Involing a vast progress of life moving through its many stages
The nidana is determined by the ascendancy of Soul on the spiritual ladder to God
Thus a person in Niyamg is born to the experience of detachment
For he is bringing a cycle of experience to an end
A person who is born in the period of Mokshove
Has the sole purpose of his existence to experience the consequences
Of greed, personality, and possession
The ascendancy of Soul in this circle of life represents a minor cycle
Of experience within a greater one
This greater circle is the twelve year or duodenary cycle
It qualifies and specializes the general significanse of Soul's purpose in this world
For example, the fifth nidana, or Ralot
Is the outer manifestation of the sensory powers
This is usually manifested as ambition
As Soul progresses through the third nidana or Garvata
It represents the effort to establish individual sufficiency
And denotes that the ambitions will be of an intellectual or mental nature
The Book of Laws
Mesopotamian Wheels
Ezekiel's Jewish Wheel
A Cuniform Wheel
Babylonian Wheel
Egyptian Wheel
Eck-Vidya Wheel
© 1997-2009
Refiner of Gold Creations
Created 6/18/1998 by EMC, Updated 11/13/2009.