Books of Laws
- Implied set of unwritten laws
- Mystics, savants and avatars speak about it
Understanding the Spirit
- Three things necessary to the thrill of recognition or realization:
- (a) an awareness that God or Spirit is good, unchangeable, eternally good and that it is the sum-total of all the good that has ever been, or is, or will be
- (b) an awareness that you exist because it exists in you ant that without it, you could not exist at all
- (c) an ardent desire to unite withit so it can express itself through you, to others
- We must come to know Spirit as love before we can even be able to love others - for love is the way to realization
"Life is only Spirit, and being spirit it has nothing"
~~ Mksha, Indus Valley, 35,000 years ago
- Understanding of this points out clearly that it has only intelligence
- With the peculiar ability to perceive, penetrate, survive, have causation,
- specialization, creativeness, beauty, love and ethics
- Spirit is the all-penetrating power which is the forming power of the universes
- It is the immortal unchanging source of life which only changes form regardless of what the world may be
- It is the causative force which man has studied, written about, and can only know the exacting properties of, never actually acquiring total knowledge
- Its modus operande works peculiarly in exacting ways as do the mathematical formulas
- It is the Voice of God
- As it flows down through the worlds, from its fountainhead in the center of all creation, far above this earth world, it needs distributors, and it works through Souls
- Its life consists in this universe as thought and feeling
- By this inner movement upon itself it throws out vehicles through which to function, and these become living forms of the inner principle which is sustaining them
- Spirit is the life of thought and feeling within ourselves, the Soul, as the force, the distributing medium of itself
Second Law: Soul is the manifested invidivual beingness of Spirit
- Created out of this Spirit
- With the ability to have free will, to make its own choice
- To be able to have opinions, intelligence, imagination, and to postulate and create
- Must survive for it has immortality, being part of the Spirit
- It must be a distributing agent for Spirit
- Its proper duty is to choose to distribute the positive, the survival qualities of Spirit for the betterment of itself and others, to become whole again with the Spirit
Third Law: The Law of Polarity, the law of Opposites
- This law of the universe reverts back to Spirit ~
- Without mountains there can be no valleys
- Without shadows there can be no perception of light
- There is no evil unless there is good; without wisdom there is no ignorance
- Without age there is no youth
- Two-edged law
- The positive, active side; the negative, reactive side
- Contains a third part - the passive, or the middle path
- Polarity simple means the state of opposition between any two related factors
- light and darkness, heat and cold
- material and immaterial, harmony and discord
- positive and negative, north and south, male and female, etc.
- the Yang and the Yin of Chinese teachings
- Yang ~ positive, male principle; Yin ~ negative, female principle
- Ironically, we are schooled less in the art of living than in the art of dying
- Buddha's "Middle Path"
- Scientific though realizes existence of positive and negative forces
- Force and resistance, positive and engative magnetism
- Positive and negative electricity, male and female cells
- Never raised the question of a third force
- According to exact divine science, one force, or two forces, can never produce a phenomena
- The presence ot the third is always necessary to produce any phenomenon
- This force is not easily accessible to direct observation and understanding
- Unity of the three ~
- Three worlds; found in ancient teachings
- Tri-gods of India ~ Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva
- Western philosophy ~ physical, astral, mental
- Father, Son and Holy Ghost of Christianity
Fourth Law: The Law of Vibrations, or Harmonics
- Governs all the influences upon the Soul and body in this world
- wave lengths ~ outflows from the planets, stars, heavenly bodies, music, sound, color, general harmonies
- Under this principle falls Karma, cause and effect and inflow and outflow
- Astrology plays a tremendous role in the life of all living things on this planet
- Each sign of the Zodiac brings forth the truth and influence of the twelve signs upon the physical body and character traits of man
- Chaldeans left records of proof that all persons in their nation lived by a horoscope
- In the Bhagavd-Gita, Krishna tells Arjuna:
- "He who regardeth the dweller in the body as a slayer
- And he who thinketh he is slain, both of them are ignorant.
- He slayeth not, nor is he slain. He is not born, nor doth he die;
- Nor having been, ceaseth he anymore to be; unborn, perpetual, eternal and ancient.
- He is not slain when the body is slaughtered.
- Who knoweth himself indestructible, perpetual, unborn, undiminished,
- How can that man slay, O Partha, or cause to be slain?
- As a man, casting off worn-out garments, taketh new ones,
- So the dweller in the body, casting off worn-out bodies, entereth into others that are new.
- Weapons cleave him not, nor fire burneth him,
- Nor waters wet him, nor wind drieth him away.
- Uncleavable he, perpetual, all-pervasive, stable, immovable,
- Ancient, unmanifest, unthinkable, immutable, he is called;
- Therefore, knowing him as such, thou shouldest not grieve."
- Harmonics mainly have to do with sound
- The ancients developed sound before any of the other studies of the Spirit
- Music became the first of the arts to be brought into existence
- Music is only a branch of the song of creation, of God, the all-existing
- Retardation or deflection of vibration known to ancients ~
- Known today as the octave scale
- Close observance shows the manifestation of the law of Harmonics in vibrations of every kind of light, heat, chemistry, and other vibratory sciences.
- The seven tone scale is the formula of all the universe
- Connected with the optimum side of the tone scale ~
- The colors, planets, metals, numbers, qualities, vowels and symbols
- However, each has an opposite
- Also connected with the seven spiritual streams that separate from the main current
- Scales of Music
- each octave, do-re-me-fa-sol-la-ti conatins a good foundation for understanding the cosmic laws of vibrations
- Each octave has an ascending octave, in which the frequency of vibrations increase
- Increasing its vibrations it moves out into the ether, to the parts of the world, into other planes
- As one goes along the scale it is found to descend
- Continues going around the scale again and again
- Until it makes a circle or something similar to a circle [spiral]
- This is true of the physical universe ~
- Nothing keeps a straight line, reason why we see nature's things growing in waving motions instead of straight lines
- Physical and mental energy also have same pattern
- Period of energetic activity, strong emotion or right understanding
- Then work becomes tedious, tiring, moments of fatigue and indifference enter into feelings
- Instead of right thinking, search for compromise, a suppression, or possibly an evasion of difficult problems
- Reach lower scale of the harmonic; finally become lost
- Principle can be applied to civilization, science, literature, art, religions and all life phases
- Nothing in the physical world stays in the same place, or remains what it was
- Everything moves, everything is going somewhere, is changing
- Inevitably, it either develops or goes down, weakens or degenerates
- Can be said that it move either along an ascending or descending line of octaves
- Ascent or descent is the inevitable cosmic condition of any action
- Other factors ~
- The vibrations of the octaves set up can be obscured by stronger vibrations
- which intersect them or which go in opposite directions
- Or the vibrations could be completely neutralized by stronger vibrations
- Relationships of the Harmonics
- First vibration
- Music ~ Do; Color ~ Red; Planet ~ Earth
- Metal ~ Iron; Number ~ 3; Vowel ~ o
- Qualities ~ Strength, Wrath, Mastery
- Second vibration
- Music ~ Re; Color ~ Orange, Planet ~ Sun
- Metal ~ Gold; Numbers ~ 1 and 4; Vowel ~ i
- Qualities ~ Pride, Faith, Prana
- Third vibration
- Music ~ Me; Color ~ Yellow; Planet ~ Mercury
- Metal ~ Mercury; Number ~ 5; Vowel ~ e
- Symbol ~ Soul, Quality ~ Intelligence
- Fourth vibration
- Music ~ Fa; Color ~ Green; Planet ~ Saturn
- Metal ~ Lead; Number ~ 6; Vowel ~ oo
- Qualities ~ Temperance, Gluttony
- Fifth vibration
- Music ~ Sol; Color ~ Blue; Planet ~ Jupiter
- Metals ~ Tin and Aluminum; Vowel ~ u
- Symbol ~ Spirit; Qualities ~ Justice, Envy
- Sixth vibration
- Music ~ La; Color ~ Indigo; Planet ~ Venus
- Metal ~ Copper; Vowel ~ ee
- Qualities ~ Spirit, Mind
- Seventh vibration
- Music ~ Ti; Color ~ Violet; Planet ~ Moon
- Metal ~ Silver; Vowel ~ e
- Qualities ~ SInner Force, Healing
Fifth Law: The Law of Attitudes, or states of being
- Everything that operates with the laws of this part is capable of performing miracles
- Not will, but the power of imagination rules our actions in this universe
- Every time will opposed the imaginative power, the latter won in an easy manner
"I have learned to stand back and let the divine work through me"
~~ Lai Tsi
- The simple way of acomplishment ~ Reaching the Divine Power for working through ourselves
- The power is within us and working
- Most teachers way to show the way through some stupendous means
- It is not necessary to have a master to make contact with this power
- Many have gained insight into Truth without a teacher
- Attitude of curious, childlike devotion to the great Spirit
- Attitude held for lengthy time, contact likely to manifest
- Impatience prevents contact with the spiritual
- urgency of physical needs causes tension and fear; closes channel
- Anxiety and fear are tense emotions
- Fasten one rigidly into emotional plane of consciousness
- One then cannot reach spiritual plane where things come true
- Competition intensifies attitude of tension; tension springs from fear
- Fear rises out of excessice self-love; self-love cuts off from the Spirit
- Qualities leading to satisfaction, happiness and growth not achieved
- Once importance realized, relaxation comes
- No longer wish to grasp things before others can have them
- Nor influence the will of others so they favor you
- Instead, turn to this Spirit, merge with it and all forces
- Anyone who recognizes his own self, as Soul, relaxes at once
- All channels from within are opened
- Without causing injustice to anyone, Spirit within reaches out in Spirit
- Touches the Spirit of those who are concerned in fulfilling of your needs
- Increases your ability for helping others
- It is the corrected feeling and pictures carried within one's mind constantly
- When in thought, when forming an image within the mind
- Pictures are sighted in the viewfinder of the mind
- Thought vibrations within deal with the exposed films of the mind
- Then the finished picture comes into visibility in the physical
Sixth Law: The Law of Facsimiles
- An overlayong of the Law of Attitudes
- Deals with the pictures taken in the mind
- Pictures present since entrance into the world
- Filed away by the Soul, like cards in a little niche in the Soul's body
- Sometimes called the picture bank if filed in the mental body
- Either borrowed or one's own; can have both through cumpulsive or unknown basis
- Pictures influence in one way or another
- If borrowed facsimiles become strong enough, influence as though they were own
- One is apt to start considering the experiences of the author as those of oneself
- Facsimiles are merely units of energy which gather about the body, mind, and soul
- Keep attention of individual "I" on them, especially if bothersome
- Oriental religions refer to this as Karma
- Facsimile can control an individual to the extent of aberration
- Old religions, especially those of savages, believed in possession by an evil spirit
- Witch doctor performed ritual for victim; take attention from pictures
- By conviction, the individual would become able again
- Flows of energy are recorded in facsimiles are dead flows
- For them to have power or life, a new flow of attention must be played over them by the individual
- Whatever is wrong with an individual, s/he is the one keeping it that way
- Cause and effect ~ positive and negative
- When one is one a low level, one fails in beingness, existing on death wishes, with qualities of unbeingness
- When an individual is cause, s/he is being positive
- When an individual is effect, s/he is being negative
- The art of good picturization is the art of full beingness
Seventh Law: The Law of Unity
- Thinking in the whole instead of in parts
- Simply, knowing the solution to the problem the instant it presents itself
- Called liberation from the bondage of the world
- One must be wholly within the Spirit in order to enjoy oneself as the whole person
- Able to select consciously what one wants in life and work at it
- It is having a certainty, an intuitiveness on what one desires to know at a particular moment
- The Spirit is leading the way, giving the individual a beneficial life under that person's choice in full freedom
- Many know who to meet life in a relaxed manner, changing attitudes to solve problems
- Others are tense, put a mental grip on their attitude, will not let go
- They want to change their lives yet they dare not change their attitude
- Occurance due to build up of a particular way of thinking
- It seemed, in the abstract, to be beneficial
- In practice, however, it prevents them from achieving their goals
- Though they become increasingly aware of this, they still hold on tensely
- No improvement of their circumstances
- Don't want to lose benefit brought by years of thinking brought them
- Only by losing the illusionay benefits of their mistaken thought, can they win the transcendent life they believe is possible
- Possible for one to be a channel of the Divine Spirit through belief and strong feelings
- This method alone can work wonders
- Words and actions will be of great power
- But when one feels strongly about this, nothing in the world can shake him/her
- Belief becomes a powerful conviction - only believe!
Three Wheels