4.11 Snake - Freeze Up Moon
4.11.2 Comparisons of the Western Zodiac, the Medicine Wheel, and the Chinese Zodiac
- Greco-Roman Zodiac: Scorpio; fixed, water; rulers exalted
- Zodiacal associations: animal is Scorpion (Scorpio) or snake-eagle; stone, Topaz
- Roman Zodiacal associations
- animal is Scorpion, Eagle, Wolf; plant, Cactus
- color, Turquoise, Blue-Green; gem, Snakestone
- Amerindian associations
- animal is Snake; plant, Thistle; color, Orange; mineral, Malachite
- Chinese animal associations are Dog, Ox, Snake
- Eck-Vidya associations - Hortar, Pearl, November, Hiafi, Years of the Lavish Grains
4.11.5 Eck-Vidya associations
- Hortar, Pearl, November of the annual cycle
- Hiafi, Years of the Lavish Grains of the Duodenary Cycle (12 years) Months of the ECK-Vidya wheel
and their workings with the law of karma
- Those born in the period of Hortar, the days of wealth, or month of the pearl
- Have a very positive attitude and also a peculiar fixed point of view
- These people are generally liberals
- Will work on anything from social reforms to dietetics
- The Hortarian is apt to be trying to sell something new to his fellowman
- And taking away the disadvantage of that which they do not like
- These are original and capable people
- They have strong psychic influences over others
- They are always in revolt against conservatism and the establishment
- Likewise they are melancholy people
- Not easily cheered up unless they find something to change
- Their karma is that of isolation and unhappiness in their environment
- The Hortarians are well mated with the Uturat
- Because of the latter's ways of loving people
- It is only the Uturean who seems to have much influence on these people
- Born in the gloomy, cloudy days of Hortar, the period of wealth Years of the ECK-Vidya Duodenary Cycle
- Eck-Vidya Cycles
- The yearly period is the little cycle
- The three-year period is the middle cycle
- The twelve-year period is the greater cycle
- The greater cycle which is called the Haram, or the Duodenary
- It is the higher vibrations which rotate every twelfth year
- Changes occur in the chemistry and spiritual makeup of men, nations, planets and communities
- By uplifting those Souls which make up these units of civilizations
- Of course some will not be lifted because of their degeneration or slow progress
- Year 11: Cycle of the Lavish Grains = Hiafi
- These people born in this period are very orderly
- Their very nature is that they are slow to arouse any emotion, especially anger
- Whenever they do such anger becomes fierce and unforgiving when aroused
- they take a long time to grasp an idea
- When it happens they will delve to the very depths
- Learn every possibility about it, and its related fields
- Women who are natives of this cycle are too often overlooked by men
- Because of their quiet, slow nature
- But the man who discovers what she really is
- Will find that she has a depth of feeling and understanding
- Which is rare of women in other cycles
- At the same time the men who are born in the eleventh cycle
- Apt to be highly successful in research and other related fields
- Which have the need of patience and long periods of slow progress
- To find something which is worthwhile to mankind
- They are also quite philosophical about life
- Stoical in their attitude toward pain and the usual disappointments in life
- They should pay attention to their health
- This is apt to be one of their weaknesses in life
- They do well in marriage to those in the seventh and tenth cycles
- The Cycle of the Wandering Seas
- The Cycle of the Raging Fires
- They could have a stimulating marriage with those born in the eighth cycle
- The Years of the Bountiful Earth
- However it often turns out to be so turbulent that it leads to disaster
- And resolving of marriage