Brown Bear
4.9 Brown Bear - Harvest Moon
4.9.2 Comparisons of the Western Zodiac, the Medicine Wheel, and the Chinese Zodiac
Greco-Roman Zodiac: Virgo; mutable, earth, ruler exalted
Zodiacal associations: animal is Virgin (Virgo); stone, sapphire
Roman Zodiacal associations:
animal is solitary animals; plant, Narcissus; gem, Peridot
color, Yellow-Green; symbol, Virgin
animal is Bear; plant, Violet; mineral, Amethyst; color, Purple
animal associations - Monkey, Boar or Pig, Rabbit or Cat
associations - Dzyami, Agate, September, Erutua, Years of the Abundant Fruits
4.9.4 Western Zodiac Western Zodiac: Virgo
(Walker 295-296)
Egyptian symbol was a woman holding a stalk of wheat (European "corn")
meant she was virgin form of Grain Goddess (Budge GE)
she was identified with Ceres, Mother of the Corn by the Romans
her month was made sacred to Ishtar by the Babylonians
who called her sign Ab-sin, the Furrow
the alpha star, Spica, was called the Goddess's Ear of Corn (Lindsay)
she was Sanskrit Kanya; Persian Khusah; Greek Parthenos
all meaning virgin or maiden
some early representations of her were as a winged eagle
Virgo was often identified with Egyptian Goddess Maat
Lybian Goddess of Truth, Astraea (Starry One)
whom Romans regarded as an incarnation of Justice
her balances also entered the Zodiac - Libra (Lindsay)
she was viewed in many areas as the great judge of the world
who assessed souls arriving in heaven
assigned them places according to their merits
Gypsies believed the cathedrals of France
were laid out so as to form the stars of the constellation Virgo
across the face of the land because they were all dedicated to the Virgin
gypsy tradition: the famous Black Virgin in the Crypt under Charles Cathedral
was really Sara-Kali, the virgin mother of the gypsy race
assimilated to the Virgin in heaven (Derbon)
the sign is ruled by Mercury, hence devoted to agriculture and the arts
communication and handicrafts
qualities included tact, intuition, skill and musical ability
with a "feminine" sign, Virgoans (male or female)
were associated with feminine attributes as fastidiousness, neatness
affectionate nature; difficulties in love affairs, overemphasis on the trivial
but those were qualities wished on women by patriarchal experts
who probably wanted to sever former associations
between Virgo and the original Great Goddess Western Planet Associations: Mercury
(Walker 214)
Mercury was Roman name for Greek god Hermes, Egyptian Thoth
apparently derived from Latin mer or mercator, a merchant (Huson)
as a god of commerce as well as magic, illusion and treachery
Hermes-Mercury often seen as the joker in the deck of cards
a sharp dealer, very clever but not altogether trustworthy
in Greece and Rome, he was patron of merchantile endeavors, metals, smithcraft
and the arts of "natural science" that became medieval alchemy
only metallic element liquid at ordinary temperatures, Mercury
aka "quicksilver," "living silver")
difficult to pick up or pin down, like "mercurial" personality of a god
as his sign suggests, complexity of his character may be based on
his intimate association with the Goddess
both planet & metal shown by essentially the sigil of Venus with horns added on top
a distant resemblance to the Horned God who was her consort
alchemists seemed to recall it
identified Mercury with the female Anima Mundi, sometimes called Anima Mercury
or Rebis, in the bisexual duality (Cirlot)
sometimes the sign used to mean all hermetic arts in general
sign also for Wednesday, dies mercuri, to Romans
in English it is Wednesday; Mercury identified with Wodon in northern Europe
and with nearly every other major god among barbarous tribes
as far as Romans were concerned (Green)
like Hermes, he was a god of the dead
his sign found in catacombs and other subterranean places of worship (Silberer) Zodiac: Virgo, Virgin Isis
(Phenomenon 64-67)
direction is Mutable; feminine, earth sign; ruler is Mercury; exaltation is Mercury
Hebrew, Arabic, Greek and Hieroglyph associations
body part - intestines; meridian - large intestine
alchemical, distillation; tarot, Hermit; geomancy, conjection; Genii, Tabris
Egyptian Virgin Isis; Greek Demeter, Persephone; Roman Ceres
weapons, the Lamp and Wand; perfume, Narcissus
Virgo produces discrimination, distillation, discretion, conservation
practical intelligence, detail work, work relations, formal perfection
health and hygiene, diet, secondary education
craftsmen, doctors and dentists, artisans, servants, laborers, statisticians
Egyptian Isis, Motherhood and Fertility; Greek Demeter
Roman Ceres, Goddess of the Harvest
Western Wheels
Western Seasonal Wheel
Western Zodiacal Wheel
Western Elemental Wheel
Western Planetary Wheel
Stonehenge Wheel
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Refiner of Gold Creations
Created 2/10/2002. by EMC, Updated 11/13/2009.