Brown Bear
4.9 Brown Bear - Harvest Moon
4.9.2 Comparisons of the Western Zodiac, the Medicine Wheel, and the Chinese Zodiac
- Greco-Roman Zodiac: Virgo; mutable, earth, ruler exalted
- Zodiacal associations: animal is Virgin (Virgo); stone, sapphire
- Roman Zodiacal associations:
- animal is solitary animals; plant, Narcissus; gem, Peridot
- color, Yellow-Green; symbol, Virgin
- Amerindian associations:
- animal is Bear; plant, Violet; mineral, Amethyst; color, Purple
- Chinese animal associations - Monkey, Boar or Pig, Rabbit or Cat
- Eck-Vidya associations - Dzyami, Agate, September, Erutua, Years of the Abundant Fruits
4.9.3 Chinese Zodiac
- there will be more than one version of the Chinese zodiac discussed for each
- all views are valid, some are variable
- Latter Heaven Pa-kua/Ba-gua aligns with Morgan-Carron's vision (living)
- Former Heaven Pa-kua/Ba-gua most aligns with Wilson's vision (ceremonial)
- Hulse has the animals nearly 180 degrees displaced from the Latter Heaven (mysteries)
- a Western interpretation of the Chinese Wheel/Compass Animal Associations
- Monkey (MC)
- very intelligent, able to influence people; an enthusiastic achiever
- easily discouraged and confused
- 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004...
- Boar or Pig (Wilson MW 155-157)
- noble and chivalrous, friends are lifelong
- prone to marital strife (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983)
- Rabbit (Hulse)
- luckiest of all signs, also talented and articulated
- affectionate, yet shy, seeking peace throughout life
- 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011...
- Monkey is aligned with Bear in the Medicine Wheel in the Medicine Wheel Roy Wilson's vision (Wilson MW)
- Boar or Pig is aligned with Bear in the Medicine Wheel Feng Shui: Monkey (Living Color 165-169)
- Seventh month in Chinese lunar calendar (W-SW); 16th hour of 24-hour clock (4 pm)
- Monkey is lively, amiable, quick-witted
- creative and bright, good problem solver and can be accomplished in business
- can be too smart for own good and can be meddlesome and opportunistic
- can be lazy and sometimes don't see forest for trees
- colors - brown (Earth, Center); red, pink (Fire, South)
- compatible with Snake, Rat, Dragon
- incompatible with Pig or Boar, Tiger, Snake Chinese Astrology: Monkey ID Card (White 340-341)
- best color is Yellow; birthstone, tiger-eye; flavor, sweet; fragrance, jasmine
- flower, dandelion; tree, sycamore; lucky number is ten
- favorite food is fruit pie; drink, lemonade; spice, cinnamon; herb, thyme
- favorite animal is tiger; metal, gold; musical instrument, guitar
- Monkey is Yin, motto "I Entertain"
- on the happy-go-lucky surface Monkeys are reasonable, faithful, autonomous
- candid, altrustic, successful, inventive, co-operative, loving, intelligent
- individualistic and generous entertainers
- but behind the scenes, Monkeys are hyperemotional, capricious, guileful
- self-indulgent, immature, insecure, indifferent, careless, gullible
- petty, grabby scene stealers
- 2 Feb 1908-22 Jan 1909; 20 Feb 1920-8 Feb 1921; 6 Feb 1932-26 Jan 1933
- 25 Jan 1944-13 Feb 1945; 12 Feb 1956-31 Jan 1957; 29 Jan 1968-16 Feb 1964
- 16 Feb 1980-4 Feb 1981; 4 Feb 1992-22 Jan 1993; 22 Jan 2004-8 Feb 2005
- 8 Feb 2016-27 Jan 2017; 26 Jan 2028-12 Feb 2029 Monkey
(Burns 52-55)
- The Ninth animal to arrive at Buddha's celebration
- Motto is: "I entertain"
- 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
- Natural Energy is Yang; Natural Element is Metal
- Monkey's position beside Buddha denotes mental agility
- Have quick, lively intellects and sharp wits few can match
- Spend days scheming and hatching outrageous plots and ingenious plans
- Not above manipulating others to get their way
- Like to defy convention, live strange and unusual lives
- Also renown tricksters and teasers; irrepressible eccentrics, highly intelligent
- The clever, active clowns of Chinese zodiac; search for fun, excitement
- Character Traits
- Intelligent, witty, entertaining, inquisite, energetic
- Sexual, competitive, lively, inventive, sociable, talkative
- Enthusiastic, generous, versatile, restless, optimistic
- Life Challenge
- To develop self-discipline for projects
- To learn self-control in relationships
- Monkey Lover
- CHarmers and naughty lovers; like to lead promiscuous lifestyles
- Often lack morals; anything usually goes in their love lives
- Often attract sexual pleasures and the mysterious in lovers
- Variety and quantity are keeys to happy life for Monkeys
- Quite competitive; thrill to challenge and chase of new conquests
- Will run a mile at the first sign of physical struggle with other suitors
- Monkey Family Member
- Rare to see a domesticate Monkey; even rare to see a happily domesticated one
- Should they choose to settle down, it will only be a secure home base
- They will venture forth in search of fun and adventure
- Hate convention, routine; put a lot of energy into keeping home life exciting
- Expect and open-house environment
- Many different people from all walks of life welcome
- Children identify with the eternal child within their Monkey parent
- Monkey Friend
- Sociable and entertaining; demonstrate extreme in extroversion
- Hate their own company; therefore collect lots of friends, keep in constant contact
- Witty and lively conversations; never boring to be around
- Rare to find someone who feels ambivalent about Monkeys
- They keep their friends happily entertained with all their clever antics
- Monkey At Work
- Usually win and lose fortunes repeatedly thorughout lives
- Attracted to riskiest of schemes; hate routine and hard work
- Have short attention spans; not easiest or most pleasant to work with
- Likely to have up-and-down careers with a lot of erratic job changes
- At best, they are exceptional planners and organizers
- Need lots of variety and challenges to keep motivated, highly active minds engaged
- Ideal Occupations
- Comedian, entertainer, actor, traveler, photographer
- Social columnist, journalist
- The Five Monkey Types
- Wood Monkey ~ 1944, 2004
- Stability of wood dilutes some of Monkey's rather eccentric and rash traits
- More focused, less erratic; more capable than average Monkey
- Most comfortable and secure Monkeys to be around
- Fire Monkey ~ 1956, 2016
- Natural element combines with fire to form quite powerful, ruthless individuals
- Fire Monkeys are passionate, don't mind applying a little physical force
- Most competitive and dangerous of the group
- Earth Monkey ~ 1968
- Earth element makes them fairly interested in pursuit of intellectual development
- Earth Monkeys read widely, likely to hold numerous qualifications from youth
- Diligent and focused
- Metal Monkey ~ 1920, 1980
- Double metal makes these Monkeys quite ambitious, intelligent, very good with money
- Extremely confident of abilities
- Have little trouble convincing others oth rarely matched talents
- Water Monkey ~ 1932, 1992
- Water element ensures these Monkeys are more considerate, more understanding
- Less inclined to ridicule people
- Team playes of the group, able to cooperate and keep emotions in check