I saw this wheel in a vision before I began studying Chinese philosophies. The four directions are represented by the four Chinese Creatures, and the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac were in these positions. After I did more research, I found that my vision differed from that of Roy Wilson's. This was because there are two versions in Chinese philosphy. As I dug deeper into Feng Shui, I found that the Pa Kua has a Former Heave Sequence, which equated to Roy's vision, and a Latter Heaven Sequence, which was equivalent to mine.
The Former Heaven sequence is used on mirrors to redirect Ch'i, and for orienting gravesites. The Latter Heaven Sequence is applied to living houses and places of business or occupation. They appear at first to be 90 degrees apart from each other, but there are other minute details which also differ. There is also a third Zodiacal sequence, but this may be due to the fact that the Chinese see North and South differently from Western eyes. The Chinese compass is the opposite to the Western compass, with the prominent orientation being toward the South rather than to the North. |
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