In the Feng Shui Former Heaven wheel, we will find that the Pa Kua, or Eight Trigrams are oriented in a diferrent manner. The Trigram that is normally found in the North today is directed to the West in this formation. But it is not just a 90° rotation, the other trigrams have differing positions, relative to this first Trigram.
The Former Heaven pattern for the Pa Kua is used to orient and maintain cemetaries. It is also used for Feng Shui mirrors to redirect Ch'i. If it is negative ch'i, the mirror deflects it away from living areas. If positive ch'i is being redirected, the mirror is positioned so as to slow the passage of Ch'i from an entry and into an cycle through the house. Ch'i, or energy, should not rush through your home, but slow down and circulate through all the rooms. Then it should exit through a dfferent door or a window than it entered.
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