During my study of the Chinese zodiac, I found several similarities to Native American medicine wheels. The Navajo-Tibetan Wheel is one study I found that helped to launch my research. The similarities between those two cultures showed me that there was a relationship between Buddhist and Native American belief systems. I had already looked into Western-Amerindian relationships, as well as Middle-Eastern relatinships, but this was a completely different direction.
I checked out a Navajo-Tibetan wisdom book and began my search. Shortly after that I had a vision placing the Chinese zodiac animals in relative positions to the Medicine Wheel. It was 90° out of phase with Roy's Vision. I looked at the relationships deeper and began studying Feng Shui. Both versions were correct and, in fact, there are three correct versions! Roy's adaptation reflected the Mirror or Former Heaven Pa Kua Wheel wheras mine reflected the Living or Latter Heaven Pa Kua Wheel. The third version is a result of Eastern-Western compass differences. The Chinese compass is oriented on South instead of North. The Western compass has an earth-bound relationship, meaning that it is oriented based on directions traveled along the surface of the earth. Eastern compasses are generally star- or heaven-based, which flips them over in comparison to our familiar Western compass. As a result, several versions of the wheel developed from these studies. In this section, there are both inward and outward focusing wheels. Inward-focusing wheels reflect introspection and the inward-looking forms found most often in Western design. Outward-focusing wheels place the observer in the center, looking outward to the world surrounding the center. The outward focus is typical in Eastern design and central to the study of Feng Shui. |
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