4.5 Beaver - Frogs Return Moon
4.5.2 Comparisons of the Western Zodiac, the Medicine Wheel, and the Chinese Zodiac
Greco-Roman Zodiac: Taurus; Fixed; Earth; Ruler Exalted
Western/Roman Zodiacal gem is Topaz; zodiacal stone is emerald or agate
symbol is Bull; animal, Bull; gem, Topaz; color, Red-Orange; plant, Mallow
mineral is Chrysocola; animal, Beaver; plant, Blue Camas; Blue
animal associations: Dragon, Sheep or Ram, Pig or Boar
associations - Ralot, Sapphire, May, Farank, Years of the Full Moon
4.4.4 Western Zodiac Western Zodiac: Taurus
(Walker 295)
to the Greeks, Taurus the Bull; to the Persians, Tora the Bull
in Sanskrit, Vrishna, the Bull; to Babylonians, Gudanna, the Bull
Aldebarvan, alpha star of the constellation, known as "Heart of the Bull"
traditionally ruled by Venus and the element of Earth
qualities always bull-like
slow-moving, a lover of routine and order, productive, dependable
usually obedient to authority, but uncontrollable, violent when energized
the influence of Venus was supposed to provide an amiable disposition
sensual pleasures, broad friendships, and sometimes excessive materialism
Taurus is said to be quietly supportive under normal conditions
* the constellation also contains the Pleiades or "seven sisters"
profound meaning in ancient religion of Venus-Aphrodite as Goddess of Wisdom
* they tended her "pearly gates" and seven pillars represented them in her temple Western Planet Associations: Venus
(Walker 225-226)
the "Mirror of Venus" is similar to Egyptian Ankh, sign of life, love, and sexuality
connotations with Roma version of Greek Aphrodite
her sign now botanical and zoological emblem of "femaleness"
as well as planet Venus, the morning and evening star
also denoted sacred day to her - dies ventris (Friday)
pagan tradition of eating fish (thought to be aphrodisiac)
in anticipation of sexual rites honoring the goddess
practice copied by Christians (though meaning altered)
"veneration" used to mean worship of Venus
as Romans regarded her among most sacred of all deities
Latin word for "grace" is venia - meant the goddess's favor
Julius Caesar worshiped Venus Genetrix ("Venus the Ancestress")
built a marble and gold-temple in her honor
placed his own statue near hers in guise of her consort (Dumézil)
symbol meant "copper" in alchemy
copper sacred to her since her major shrine was located on Cyprus, Isle of Copper
she was called Cyprian Aphrodite, or Cyprian Venus, the Goddess of Copper
early in Middle Ages, she became reigning Fairy Queen of numerous holy mountains
called Venusbergs, where some of her many ancient shrines were located
Christians execrated theses sites (and others), condemned them as "schools of wickedness"
6th century writer insisted that women's sinful observation of "the day of Venus at weddings" would be punished by Hellfire (J.H. Smith)
nevertheless, church forced to absorb her in some way, her worship proved ineradicable
as a rule, she was converted into a mythical saint Venerina or Venere
"towns and shrines dedicated to Venus were renamed in honor of St. Venus" (Fisher)
at same time, traces of Venus-worship survived in magical charms, particularly those connected with sex
her "mirror" symbol figured in procedures like this love charm
the egg of a black hen must be buried at a crossroad after sunset and left 3 days
then it must be dug up at night and sold
the money must then buy a mirror, to be buried in the same spot, "in the name of Venus"
after sleeping on the spot for three nights, the magician may dig up the mirror
any woman who looked in it would fall in love with him (Trachtenberg)
another curious remnant
the feast day of the church renamed Holy Innocents Day
perpetually recalling King Herod's slaughter of the innocents
official sign of the day was a row of four Venus mirrors (Brewster)
perhaps some pious monastic innocent assumed these could resemble small children Zodiac: Taurus, Psiris, Hathoor
(Phenomenon 46-49)
Taurus; direction is Fixed; Earth; Ruler Exalted
Fixed, Feminine Earth Sign; Ruler is Venus; Exaltation is Moon
symbol is Bull, animal is Bull; gem is Topaz, color is Red Orange
Plant is mallow, perfume is Storax
Hebrew, Arabic, Greek hieroglyphic associations
Roman Castor and Pollux; Egyptian Osiris, Hathoor; Greek Hera, Aphrodite
alchemical congelation; body part - throat, ears; meridian is Triple-Generator
Tarot is Hierophant; Geomancy, Amisso; weapons, the Labour; Genii, Cisera
Egyptian, Hathot, the Sky; Greek Hera, Goddess of Marriage and Birth
Taurus is pure substance, undifferentiated matter, passive force, stewardship
natural and physical beauty, wealth and luxury, the Earth Mother, agriculture
pragmatism, property and possession
farmers, artists, beauties, financiers, real estate agents, jewelers
Western Wheels
Western Seasonal Wheel
Western Zodiacal Wheel
Western Elemental Wheel
Western Planetary Wheel
Stonehenge Wheel
© 1997-2009
Refiner of Gold Creations
Created 2/10/2002. by EMC, Updated 11/13/2009.