4.7 Flicker - Strong Sun Moon
4.7.2 Comparisons of the Western Zodiac, the Medicine Wheel, and the Chinese Zodiac
Greco-Roman Zodiac: Cancer; cardinal, water; ruler exalted
Zodiacal associations: animal is Crab (Cancer; stone is Ruby
Roman Zodiacal associations
animal is Crab, turtle, sphinx; plant, Lotus; gem, Amber, Moonstone
symbol is Crab; color is Yellow-Orange
animal is Flicker (woodpecker); plant, Wild Rose; mineral, Carnelian Agate; Pink
animal associations: Horse, Cock or Rooster, Ox
associations - Kamitoc, Ruby, July, Lenurig, Years of the Wandering Seas
4.7.4 Western Zodiac Western Zodiac: Cancer
(Walker 289)
widely interpreted as Crab:
Greek Karkinas; Persian Kalakany; Sanskrit Karkata; Babylonian Tul
Egyptian zodiac of Dendera shows crab as a scarab-beetle
viewed as a water sign influenced by the Moon
Cancerians call themselves "Moon children"
to avoid association with dread disease, "the crab"
though more euphonious, defeats purpose of association with stars by removing constellation, replacing with Moon
constellation of Cancer vitally important to Egyptians, Persians, Hindus, Chinese
Babylonians, and other ancient civilizations, including those of South America
all convinced of world's end of all planets moved in line with each other in constellation of the Crab (Campbell, M.I.)
Romans maintained crab was placed in heavens by goddess Juno
thus would signal end of world by her decree (T. Jobes)
Creation and destruction said to be practical, yet vividly imaginative
presumptuous, yet discreet; timid yet bold; brilliant yet dull
home-centered and distinguished, yet at times evincing great genius
only quality astrologers seem to agree on - crablike tenacity Western Planet Associations: Moon
(Walker 344-345)
perhaps no other natural object so widely revered from extremely ancient times
as a rule, new or crescent is recognized as its symbol
full (a simple circle) carried solar connotations
apparent connection with women's cycles of "lunar blood"
supposed to give life to every human in the womb
Moon became prime symbol of Mother Goddess everywhere
Greek name Europa, eponymous Mother of Continental Europe
means "full moon"; was former title of Hera or Io as the white moon-cow
and other versions of the Goddess as well as Demeter and Astarte (Graves, G.M.)
Albion - an old name for Britain, meant "white moon" - referred to the Goddess
until Monk Gildes converted her to a fictitious male, St. Alban
a primal deity of Pesia, Al-Mah, the moon
name became Bebrair Almah ("nubrile woman")
Christians insisted on translating it as "virgin" when applied to mother of Jesus
an other derivation is Latin "alma mater," living mother soul of the world
Romans revered primal Moon Mother as either Luna or Mana (Mania)
worship condemned by Christians as "madness" (lunacy)
she was mother of archaic ancestral spirits called Manes
annually propitiated at the Manalia festival
same goddess Mana ruled archaic Scandinavia, Arabia, and central Asia
Mana from Sanskrit manas ("mind")
an attribute of Ma, the primordial Mother
also related to Latin mens ("mind," "moon")
also meant the mysterious quality of spiritual power (nu-men)
per Mases Maimonides, moon worship was religion of Adam
Bible contains many pre-Jahvistic references for the Moon (Buffault)
Old Testament kings wore "ornaments like the moon" as did their animals (Jud 8:21)
prophets denounced women for wearing lunar amulets (Isaiah 3:18)
Agla, a "secret name of God" much used in Hebrew magic, usually translatted as "light"
but meant specifically Moonlight
Aglaia was an ancient name of the Moon Goddess
a Talmudic tradition
Yahweh himself had to make a sin offering to the moon for offending it/her (French)
the Moon Goddess showed little respect for Yahweh or any of his cohorts
according to "apocalypse of Baruch," when Adam and Eve wept over their sin
then everything else also wept with them
"The heaven and the sun and the stars, and creation was stunned
even to the throne of God; and the angels and the powers were moved
for the transgression of Adam, except the moon, who laughed" (Tennant)
St. Augustine condemned women for their "impudent and filthy" dances
in honor of the new moon (Hazlitt)
yet timing so important to Savior tradition:
Christians insisted on a full moon shown on crucifixion
although there was supposed to have been a solar eclipse
which only occurs in the dark of the moon!
lunar traditions continued to be associated with women throughout the Middle Ages
folklore and ballads show women encouraged to pray for special favor
not to God, but to their own deity, the Moon Mother
by whom they swore all oaths (de Lys, Wimberly)
Jeremiah's opponents doggedly continued to bake cakes for the Queen of Heaven
(the Moon) despite his fulminations against her (Jer 44:19)
women of Christian Europe continued to bake Moon cakes
called croissants or "cressents" by French - for their lunar holidays
modern birthday cakes descended from Greek custom of honoring monthly custom
of Artemis the Moon with lighted full-moon cakes (Brash)
witches continue to invoke the Goddess by "drawing down the Moon"
in some areas, crops couldn't be sown or weddings celebrated
except at appropriate times of the Moon
everything having to do with domestic animal management seemed to depend on the Moon
no sorcerer or witch undertook magical operations
without first checking the proper phase of the Moon (Hazlitt)
Moon Goddess, so important to pre-Islamic Arabia:
her emblem came to represent entire country
still does as lunar crescent on Islamic flags
as Manat, the old Moon-Mother of Mecca, she once ruled the fates of all her sons
who called her Al-Lat, the Goddess
now she has been masculinized into "Allah"
who forbids women to enter the shrines once founded by priestess of the moon
in central Asia, her orb was described as
the mirror that reflects everything in the world (Jobes and Jobes)
it is still said that the Moons' reflection on the water
is the prime remedy for nervous hysteria Zodiac: Cancer, Khephra
(Phenomenon 56-59)
direction is Cardinal; feminine; water sign; ruler Moon; Exaltation, Jupiter
Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, and Hieroglyph associations
body part - breasts, stomach; meridian - stomach
alchemical - dissolution; tarot, Chariot; geomancy, Populus and Via; Genii, Phalgus
weapons - the Furnace; perfume, Onycha
Cancer is the Unconscious, fertility, Mother, archetypical images, heredity
home and family life, dreams, protection urge, end of life
parents, collectors, genealogists, gardeners, milkmen, publicans
Egyptian, the Scarab, Regeneration; Egyptian Khepma; Greek Artemis
Roman Diana, Goddess of the Moon and the Hunt; Roman Dionysus
Western Wheels
Western Seasonal Wheel
Western Zodiacal Wheel
Western Elemental Wheel
Western Planetary Wheel
Stonehenge Wheel
© 1997-2009
Refiner of Gold Creations
Created 2/10/2002. by EMC, Updated 11/13/2009.