Snow Goose
4.1 Snow Goose - Earth Renewal Moon
4.1.2 Comparisons of the Western Zodiac, the Medicine Wheel, and the Chinese Zodiac
Greco-Roman Zodiac, Capricorn; Cardinal, Earth, Ruler Exalted
animal, Goat-fish; plant, Indian Hemp; Gem, Black Diamond; Indigo
animal, Snow-Goose; plant, birch-tree; stone, garnet; White
associations: Rat, Rabbit, Goat or Sheep
associations - Astic, Emerald, January, Thigala, Years of the Fierce Winds
4.1.4 Western Zodiac Western Zodiac: Capricorn
(Walker 290)
nearly all ancients agreed on goat-horned or goat-headed sea monster here
Suhurmas to Babylonians, the Goat-Fish
Vahik, the Sea-Goat to Persians
Aigokeros, the Goat-Horned One to Greeks
Mahara, the Sea Monster in Sanskrit
Goddess Vesta to the Romans
Said to be ruled by Saturn, Capricorn people are thus "saturnine"
heavy and melancholy in disposition
impassive, serious, persistent, sometimes subject to depression
outward patience and conscientious may conceal ruthless ambition
supposed to partake of goat nature in sense of lecherous desires
may be inconsistent in their afflictions despite connections with sea
the Capricorn-goat was associated with the Element Earth
Earth supposed to impart qualities of coldness and dryness
16th century Grand Duke of Tuscany Cosimo de Medici
took sign of Capricorn for personal impresa
following battle under its influence (Hall) Western Planet Associations: Saturn
(Walker 217-218)
symbol a variant of the cross and curve sign (Jupiter, Ceres)
depicted dark underground god who was heavenly Father's alter-ego
just as Pluto was alter-ego to Zeus
Ahrimar was alter-ego to Ahura Mazola, or Satan to God
to Babylonians, Saturn was same as their Black Sun, the Solar God Entombed
at Harvan, worshiped by people in black clothing burning special candles or opiu, and incense
addressed him as "Lord Saturn, the cold the dry, the dark, the harmful...
crafty sire who knowest all wiles, who art deceitful, sage, understanding,
who causeth prosperity or ruin." (Cumont ARGR)
in Rome, the sacrifice of Saturn occurred at year's end festival of Saturnalia
first in the form of a human victim, later in an effigy
transformed into a mock killing of the king of the carnival
"a vestige of the ancient Saturnalia (Moakley)
when the man who had acted as king of the revels was actually put to death."
human victims still immolated in Christian times
the killing of king Saturn represented passage of the Solar God of heavenly king
into the underworld at year's end
to be followed by his joyous resurrection as heavenly king reborn
day of Saturn = Saturday; the last day of the week
said Agrippa von Nattesheim, "hath correspondence with the last end of life, and is ruled by Saturn which carries a sickle of death" (Agrippa)
the image as death-bringer identifies with Greek Titan-god Chronos, Kronos, or Crunus
he became Father Time with his death-dealing sickle by virtue of alliance with older goddess Rhea Kronia, who was Mother Time
personifying both time and earth, like Kali the destroyer, Rhea naturally devoured all that she brought to birth
cult of Cronus/Chronos depicted him as devourer of his own children
Saturn, too, became a child-eater
the only child to escape this paternal cannibalism was Zeus
Zeus later defeated his father and drove him from heaven
same oedipal rivalry in Persian and Jewish legends in the War in Heaven, although different outcome
as might be expected of a elothior god
Saturn was associated with darkness, heaviness, density, and melancholy
a "saturnine" personality said to be ruled by the earth element
Saturn's associated metal was lead
the planet came to be regarded as a beclouded influence
though Saturnalia was a day of great festivity and cheer
it eventually it was declared a day of sin
became more closely associated with deviltry Zodiac: Capricorn, Set
(Phenomenon 84-87)
direction, Cardinal (N); feminine, earth sign; ruler, Saturn; exaltation, Mars
Hebrew, Arabic, and Greek letters and Egyptian Hieroglyph associations
body part, knees, skin, bones; meridian is gall bladder
symbol is Goat; Tarot, Devil; animal, Goat or Ass
Egyptian Khem; Greek Pan, Roman Bacchus
weapons, the Secret Force; Geomancy, Carcer; perfume Musk, Genii Sezorbil
Set, Egyptian god of War and Evil
Capricorn is perfected in matter, organization and construction
earned success, leaders and authorities
seriousness, repression, recognition, materialism
it is scientific, mechanical, machine-oriented
bankers, business-men, public figures, government officials
brewers, miners, engineers, landlords
Western Wheels
Western Seasonal Wheel
Western Zodiacal Wheel
Western Elemental Wheel
Western Planetary Wheel
Stonehenge Wheel
© 1997-2009
Refiner of Gold Creations
Created 2/10/2002. by EMC, Updated 11/13/2009.