Snow Goose
4.1 Snow Goose - Earth Renewal Moon
4.1.2 Comparisons of the Western Zodiac, the Medicine Wheel, and the Chinese Zodiac
- Greco-Roman Zodiac, Capricorn; Cardinal, Earth, Ruler Exalted
- animal, Goat-fish; plant, Indian Hemp; Gem, Black Diamond; Indigo
- Amerindian associations
- animal, Snow-Goose; plant, birch-tree; stone, garnet; White
- Chinese associations: Rat, Rabbit, Goat or Sheep
- Eck-Vidya associations - Astic, Emerald, January, Thigala, Years of the Fierce Winds
4.1.3 Chinese Zodiac
- there will be more than one version of the Chinese zodiac discussed for each
- all views are valid, some are variable
- Latter Heaven Pa-kua/Ba-gua aligns with Morgan-Carron's vision (living)
- Former Heaven Pa-kua/Ba-gua most aligns with Wilson's vision (ceremonial)
- Hulse has the animals nearly 180 degrees displaced from the Latter Heaven (mysteries)
- a Western interpretation of the Chinese Wheel/Compass Animal Associations
- Rat (MC)
- ambitious yet honest, prone to spend freely
- seldom making lasting friendships
- 1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008...
- Rabbit (Wilson MW 155-157)
- luckiest of all signs, talented and articulate
- affectionate, yet shy, seeking peace throughout life
- 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987
- Goat or Sheep (Hulse)
- 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2004...
- First in the Chinese 12/60 year Cycle is Rat; my vision placed Rat in North
- alignment was to be same as Snow Goose
- following my vision, Feng Shui studies also placed Rat in North, same position Roy Wilson's vision (Wilson MW)
- Rabbit aligns with Snow Goose in the North Feng Shui: Rat (Living Color 165-169)
- Rat in "North" or top of circle; 11th Month (N); 24th hour, midnight
- Rat can be amusing, charming, honest, and meticulous
- as result, make good advisors, yet have hard time making up minds regarding own affairs
- at times drawn to power and wealth, leading some to be gamblers, others schemes
- this greed can, ultimately, lure them into a destructive trap
- color is Black (Water, North)
- compatible with Ox, Dragon, Monkey
- incompatible with Horse, Ram, Cock, Rabbit
- Rat aligns with Chinese animal of the North, the Tortoise
- associated with Black and element of Water Chinese Astrology: Rat ID Card (White 2-3)
- best color is warm ochre; best flower, daisy; best fragrance, sandalwood
- lucky number, 11; birthstone, emerald; tree, oak; flower, piquant
- favorite food, sweetbreads; drink, bordeaux (claret); herb, rosemary
- favorite spice, coriander; metal, bronze; animal, wild goose
- favorite musical instrument is violin
- Rat is Yin, motto is "I Rule"
- sunny side up rats are charming, protective, compassionate, communicative,
- dynamic, familial, thrifty, skilful, sober, upright, attractive, idealistic
- prosperous, experimental, calm, sensual, loving, talented, adaptable
- open-minded, brilliant entrepreneurs
- but in their darker moments, rats may wax verbose, grow possessive, picky
- defensive, excessive, addictive, fickle, stingy, bumptious, bossy
- exploitive, anxious, argumentative, opinionated, overbearing
- and downright self-obsessed
- 13 Jan 1900-18 Feb 1901; 18 Feb 1912-5 Feb 1913; 5 Feb 1924-23 Jan 1925
- 24 Jan 1936-10Feb 1937; 10 Feb 1948-28 Jan 1949; 28 Jan 1960-14 Feb 1961
- 15 Feb 1972-2 Feb 1973; 2 Feb 1984-19 Feb 1985; 19 Feb 1996-6 Feb 1997 Rat
(Burns 20-23)
- First of the 12 animals to arrive when Buddha invited all the animals to his kingdom
- Motto : "I think"
- 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008
- Natural Energy is Yang, Natural Element is Water
- Chiefly concerned with power and material security
- Lives feature ambition, success and wealth accumulation
- Innate analytical and clear-thinking skills
- Embody enrepreneurial and leadership skills
- Always appear smartly attired
- Appear witty, in control of conduct
- Interesting and informed conversationalists
- Crave companionship and adore social gatherings
- Character Traits
- Intelligent, industrious, resourceful, practical, calm
- Self-motivated, thrifty, charming, communicative
- Compassionate, observant, analytical, caring, discreet
- Life Challenge
- To overcome inner fears and insecurities
- Diminish nervious anxiety
- Rat Lover
- Well equipped with quick wits, warm natures, stylish grooming
- Have great success as attentive and debonair lovers
- Drawn to challenge of artful seduction while young
- Desire committed, long-term relationship, not lifelong parade of affairs
- Gentle, loyal, protective partners; Take time out to nurture their relationship
- Crave their partners' approval and adoration; Not promiscuous by nature
- Rat Family Member
- Make ideal providers for and protectors of their families
- Serious about family responsibilities; Relish roles of breadwinner, caretaker
- Born leaders, will want to be more dominant, decision making partner
- Practicality, thrift are household themes
- Balance with emotinoal warmth, sensitivity to those they love
- Considerate parents, fine role models, take active part in child-rearing
- Rat Friend
- Loyal to others they care about
- Preference of a few close and supportive friendships to numerous acquaintances
- Likely to keep childhood friendships for life
- Love to be esteemed, will seek opportunities to give advie to friends
- Dependable, supportive, sincere friends
- Often hold fabulous dinner parties
- Rat At Work
- Needs continual intellectual challenges to remain stimulated
- Can become insecure, demotivated without adequate amounts of praise, recognition
- Domain is "rat race," climb success ladder easily
- Appear competent, emotionally self-contained, maybe a little secretive
- Ideal Occupations
- Business director, accountant, stockbroker
- Courtroom lawyer, auxtioneer, politician
- Five Rat Types
- Wood Rat ~ 1924, 1984
- Wood heightens some core charater traits
- Even more hardworking, and anxious; hesitate when making decisions
- Prefers to gather lots of information, takes time to assess situation
- Fire Rat ~ 1936, 1996
- Fire brings passion, burning enthusiasm
- Wit and charm add to their personal appeal; Can always attract a crowd
- Not above heroic dees to impress a loved one
- Earth Rat ~ 1948, 2008
- Earth provides a good helping of practicality and wisdom
- They are the "old souls" of the Rat family; carefully advise, counsel
- Actually enjoy their own company
- Metal Rat ~ 1960
- Metal lends a good dose of physical and mental strength
- Can have fixed ideas, appear stubborn
- Most professinally successful, usually doing well as entrepreneurs
- Water Rat ~ 1912, 1972
- Water is natural element, enhancing communication traits
- Gifted communicators with abundance of public appeal
- Usually seek public positions; potentially great orators or writers