~ | ~ Sacred Altar ~ | ~ East ~ | ~ South ~ | ~ West ~ | ~ North ~ | ~
"First, people came to the place of the North, to the winter, the time of resting for ourselves and the Earth Mother, the place that represents the time when we have the white hairs of snow upon our heads, when we prepare to change both worlds and forms. Then there were those who ended up on the East, the place of awakening, of birth and of spring, the place representing mankind's birth and beginning. Next came those who would represent the South, the time of summer, the years of of fruitfulness and of rapid growth. Then there were people who came to the West, the time of fall, when we reap our harvest, when we have found the knowledge needed to center ourselves. The West is the home of the West Wind, Father of All of the Winds.
"All of the people were singing the song of their season, of their minerals, of their plants, of their totem animals. And they were singings songs for the healing of the Earth Mother. A leader among them was saying, 'Let the medicine of the sacred circle prevail. Let many people across the land come to the circle and make prayers for the healing of the Earth Mother. Let the circles of the Medicine Wheel come back.'
"In this vision were gathered people of all the clans, of all the directions, of all the totems, and in their hearts they carried peace. That was the vision I saw."
"Each direction is associated with a season of the year and a time of the day. Each has an animal totem and a color that represents its time and season. To the North is the Spirit Keeper the Chippewa people called Waboose; to the East is Wabun; to the South is Shawnodese; to the West is Mudjekeewis, Chief of the Spirit Keepers and Father of the Winds. Each Spirit Keeper is responsible for bringing one of the winds to the earth. Waboose brings the cold Northern winds of winter, which purify the earth with their intensity and force most of earth's children to spen part of their time just keeping warm, relaxing and renewing themselves. Wabun brings the warm East winds of the spring, which soothe us, tease us and force us to open ourselves to the illumination and wisdom that the spring brings to us. Shawnodese brings the hot Southern winds of summer, which make us open ourselves totally tot he growth that these times can bring. Mudjekeewis brings the cool Western breezes of the autumn, which help us to go within ourselves and find our own strengths and weaknesses.
"There are three moons governed by each of the Spirit Keepers, and the people of these moons share the qualities that each direction gives them. These are the qualities that can help them to reach out to the world of spirit, to open themselves more fully to the powers of the universe.
"To help in understanding and remembering the Spirit Keepers and their animals, this sectino begins with a story that tells how each animal became associated with its direction."
"One of the challengers was the buffalo. The buffalo said, 'I am the strongest and msot powerful of the animals, and I give generously of myself to all of our brothers and sisters in the human as well as animal kingdom. I deserve to be the chief because of my purity of purpose and my ability to renew all those who receive my gifts.'
"Another challenger was the eagle. The eagle said, 'I fly higher than any of the rest of the winged creatures. I see mroe clearly. I fly clsoer to the Great Spirit than anyone else in this council. Because of my clarity and wisdom, I deserve to be the chief of this council.'
"The other one to challenge bear's right to be the chief of the council was the coyote. Coyote said, 'I am the trickiest of all of the animals. I can survive anywhere. I have the ability to teach of the growth I bring about, I deserve to be your chief.'
"Bear said, 'I have great respect for my brothers who wish to be chief, but you ahve no reason to oust me. I have always served you well. I am strong, yet I am always gentle in my decisions. I always think long and hard before I decide what I should do about any question that faces us. I wish to continue to serve you as I have.'
"After the four powerful animals finished speaking, all of the other animals had their chance as the talking stick passed around the circle. When the stick came full circle back to the bear, it became clear that the animals were evenly divided about who should be the chief. No consensus was possible. Everyone there felt bad because it was the first time they had ever disagreed so greatly. No one knew what to do. All four animals were powerful and had medicine that qualified them to be the chief.
"During the council the animals noticed that the winds were blowing strongly from all four directions. They seemed to be trying to tell the council something. But, since everyone was so caught up in trying to prove that he was right and his favorite should be the chief, no one was really listening.
"Finally, as all of the animals sat in silence preparing for the talking stick to pass once again, one of the spirit teachers appeared in their midst. He appeared as a powerful man of middle age, and, as he came, the West Wind blew strongly.
'I am Mudjekeeweis, the Spirit Keeper of the West. Where I walk the West Wind follows. Long ago, before any of you were born, it was decided that I would be the chief of the keepers of the directions. Like you, Eagle, Bear, Buffalo and Coyote, all four of us who now keep the directions wee strong. We were children of the same mother, and we all had her strength and wisdom plus the separate wisdom of each of our fathers. But rather than fight about who was the strongest and thus break the law of unity, we decided with our mother's help to each take responsibility for one quarter of the Medicine Wheel so we could each use our separate strengths in the best possible way. By doing this we made the wheel strong in all directions, and we made ourselves stronger by having a definite direction for outs strength to take. I was chosen by One Greater to be the chief because I always think before I act, so my strength is tempered by introspection.
'I am sent now by One Greater to intervene in this council. It is clear by listening to you speak that it would take many years to reach concensus. During this time the law of unity among the animals would be broken as the followers of one contender fought against the followers of another. This would cause unnecessary harm to all of you, and to your other relations on the earth. The Great Spirit does not want this to happen. So each of you four will not merge your power with the power of one of the directions. In this way your strengths, too, will help to make the wheel strong, and each of you will have a specific direction that you follow. Bear, you will merge with me, with the West, because, like me, you are strong and you think long before you speak. When you serve with me, your coat will be black, like the night, with silver hairs to honor the stars. You will remain as the chief of the animal council as I am chief of the council of the winds.
'Buffalo, you will merge with the power of Waboose, of the North, as you share the qualities of renewal and of purity. When you serve with Waboose, your coat will be white, the color of the snow. Eagle, you will merge with the power of Wabun, of the East. With your clear vision you will help to bring the awakening, wisdom and illumination. When you serve with her, you'll wear golden feathers, the color fo the dawn. Coyote, you will merge with the power of the South, Shawnodese. With your ability to teach and survive, you will help to bring growth and trust into being. When you serve with him, your coat will be the color of the midday sun spotting the fertile earth.
'So, my honored friends, be happy now with the gifts of power the Great Spirit has given to each of you. Each of you will serve best in the direction that you have been given, and you can all now contribute to the harmony of the creation. It is good.'
Introduction: Page One
~ | ~ Page Two ~ | ~ Page Three
~ | ~ Page Four ~ | ~ Page Five ~ | ~
~ | ~ Sacred Altar
~ | ~ East ~ | ~ South
~ | ~ West ~ | ~ North ~ | ~
Inner Circle:
Owl ~ | ~ Cougar
~ | ~ Hawk ~ | ~ Coyote
~ | ~ Wolf ~ | ~ Bear
~ | ~ Raven ~ | ~
Outer Circle:
Snow Goose ~ | ~ Otter
~ | ~ Cougar ~ | ~ Hawk
~ | ~ Beaver ~ | ~ Deer ~ | ~
~ | ~ Flicker ~ | ~ Sturgeon
~ | ~ Bear ~ | ~ Raven
~ | ~ Snake ~ | ~ Elk
~ | ~ Blue ~ | ~
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