4.3 Cougar - Big Winds Moon
4.3.2 Comparisons of the Western Zodiac, the Medicine Wheel, and the Chinese Zodiac
Greco-Roman zodiac: Pisces
direction, mutable; water, rulers exalted
Roman/Western associations:
animals, Fishes, Dolphins; plant, Opium Poppy
stone, Bloodstone or Aquamarine; gem, Pearl; color, red violet
animal is Cougar, plant is plantain, mineral is turquoise, color is blue-green
animal associations: Tiger, Snake, Cock or Rooster
associations - Garavata, Jade, March, Doreti, Years of the Brilliant Sun
4.3.4 Western Zodiac Western Zodiac: Pisces
(Walker 293)
to the Greeks, Ikhthus, the Fish; to the Persians, Mahik the Fish
in Sanskrit, Mina the Fish
Babylonians called it the Two Tails
sometimes divided the constellation into two parts
the Southern Fish: Simmah, the Swallow
the Northern Fish: Anurutum, the Goddess
fish traditionally sacred to the Moon-Goddess
sign represents two crescent moons, one waxing and one waning
meant waxing and waning of the moon's cycle
moon considered world's source of water
the two crescents early suggested two fish
the constellation now contains "the first point of Aries"
reached by the Sun about March 22
"First Point of Aries" still marks the beginning of the astronomical year
Pisces used to be ruled by Jupiter until the discovery and naming of Neptune
Neptune named for Latin sea-god, "Neptune the Mystic"
astrologers then transferred its allegiance
general feminine implications with water, fish, sea, moon:
still give Pisces personalities many qualities usually viewed as feminine
domesticity, sensitivity, receptivity, imaginativeness, love of home
also supposed faults of dreaminess, unreality, laziness & intellectual dishonesty
Piscians said to be friendly and dependable on behalf of those whom they love
often display strongly spiritual tendencies Western Planet Associations: Jupiter; Neptune
(Walker 209-210, 214-215)
Jupiter (see
, Sagittarius)
Neptune - Latin name of Greek sea god Poseidon
like most male deities of earth's deep places or abysses, he carried a trident
in case of this oceanic deity, interpreted as a fish spear
same trident now represents planet Neptune
discovered in 1846 after extensive investigation of its action on the orbit of Uranus
this late discovery of the outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto
caused consternation in astrological circles
previously, unsuspected "planetary influences" would have to be considered
as a rule, Neptune came to be regarded as highly mysterious, mystical, occult
perhaps chiefly because of the resemblance of its trident symbol to one of the conventional symbols of the devil Zodiac: Pisces, Anubis
(Phenomenon 92-95)
direction is mutable; feminine, Water sign
Ruler is Jupiter or Neptune; exaltation is Venus
Hebrew, Arabic, Greek and Hieroglyphic symbols are associated with Pisces
body part is feet, meridian is small intestine
alchemical, projection; tarot, moon; geomancy, Laetitia; Genii, Tarob
Egyptian Anubis of the Netherworld
Greek Poseidon, Roman Neptune; weapons, the Magic Mirror; perfume, Ambergris
Pisces dissolves the boundaries of matter
it is emotionally receptive, self-sacrificial, rhythm, impressionable
effected externally, indiscriminate, karmic, vague, and olated
psychic, sensitive
prisoners and guards, poets, mystics, sufferers, underpriviledged
alcoholics and addicts, social workers, physicists
Western Wheels
Western Seasonal Wheel
Western Zodiacal Wheel
Western Elemental Wheel
Western Planetary Wheel
Stonehenge Wheel
© 1997-2009
Refiner of Gold Creations
Created 2/10/2002. by EMC, Updated 11/13/2009.