4.3 Cougar - Big Winds Moon
4.3.2 Comparisons of the Western Zodiac, the Medicine Wheel, and the Chinese Zodiac
- Greco-Roman zodiac: Pisces
- direction, mutable; water, rulers exalted
- Roman/Western associations:
- animals, Fishes, Dolphins; plant, Opium Poppy
- stone, Bloodstone or Aquamarine; gem, Pearl; color, red violet
- Amerindian associations:
- animal is Cougar, plant is plantain, mineral is turquoise, color is blue-green
- Chinese animal associations: Tiger, Snake, Cock or Rooster
- Eck-Vidya associations - Garavata, Jade, March, Doreti, Years of the Brilliant Sun
4.3.3 Chinese Zodiac
- there will be more than one version of the Chinese zodiac discussed for each
- all views are valid, some are variable
- Latter Heaven Pa-kua/Ba-gua aligns with Morgan-Carron's vision (living)
- Former Heaven Pa-kua/Ba-gua most aligns with Wilson's vision (ceremonial)
- Hulse has the animals nearly 180 degrees displaced from the Latter Heaven (mysteries)
- a Western interpretation of the Chinese Wheel/Compass Animal Associations
- Tiger (MC)
- aggressive, courageous, candid, sensitive
- 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010...
- Snake (Wilson MW 155-157)
- wise and intense with a tendency toward physical beauty
- vain and high tempered (1953, 1965, 1977, 1989)
- Cock (Hulse)
- a pioneer in spirit, devoted to work and quest for knowledge
- selfish and eccentric; 1945, 1957
- Tiger aligns with Cougar in the Medicine Wheel Roy Wilson's vision (Wilson MW)
- Snake aligns with Cougar in the Medicine Wheel Feng Shui: Tiger (Living Color 165-169)
- Tiger is the First Month (E-NE); 4:00 of the 24-hour clock
- Tiger can be a charismatic and dynamic leader
- Tiger tends to be passionate, rash, and independent
- those born at night are seen as especially rotten
- Chinese avoid having children during this year because female Tigers are considered unseemingly ferocious
- colors - black (Water, North); green, dark green (Wood, East)
- compatible with Pig, Dog, Horse
- incompatible with Snake, Pig, Monkey
- Chinese New Year typically starts prior to this zodialogical cycle
- sometime in January (mid to late) or February (early-mid)
- a logical place for Tiger's position in the lunar calendar of the Chinese
- Tiger is also associated with West, the element of Metal, resurrection, White
- Metal - a nutrient at the Crux of the Creative cycle, when renewal begins
- White is Chinese color for death Chinese Astrology: Tiger ID Card (White 88-89)
- best color is bright red; birthstone is ruby, flavor is sweet
- flower is carnation; tree, sycamore; fragrance, jasmine; lucky number is 7
- favorite food is fruit pie; drink, lemonade; spice, cinnamon; herb, thyme
- favorite animal is tiger; metal, gold; musical instrument, trumpet
- Tiger is Yang, motto "I Win"
- on their best behavior, Tigers are lovable, alluring, warm-hearted,
- altruistic, honorable, hard-working, pleasant, independent,
- engaging, dynamic, idealistic sweetie pies
- when they act up (which is often), Tigers are
- rash, hot-headed, reckless, infatuate, quarrelsome, caustic, moody
- predatory, rebellious, disobedient, irreverent rascals
- 8 Feb 1902-28 Jan 1903; 26 Jan 1914-13 Feb 1915; 13 Feb 1926-1 Feb 1927
- 31 Jan 1938-18 Feb 1939; 17 Feb 1950-5 Feb 1951; 5 Feb 1962-24 Jan 1963
- 23 Jan 1974-10 Feb 1975; 9 Feb 1986-28 Feb 1987; 28 Jan 1998-15 Feb 1999 Tiger
(Burns 28-31)
- The third animal to arrive at Buddha's celebration
- Motto is: "I have courage"
- 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 2010
- Natural Energy is Yang; Natural Element is Wood
- Tiger's position as third at Buddha's side denotes nobility and honor
- Tiger, not lion, is king of all beast in China
- They display many leadership qualities, have a dynamic presence
- They are born optimists who make daring plans
- Apply endless energy and purpose to carry them out
- Lead exciting, adventurous lives full of thrills, spills
- Are attracted to danger like moth to flame
- BLessed with luck, good fortune; conquer all manner of illness, despair
- Arrive triumphant at old age, maybe a little weary
- Begin to settle down, find some peace and contentment in rtirement
- Character Traits
- Charismatic, bold, protective, generous, curious, lucky
- Courageous, optimistic, idealistic, determined, intelligent
- Sensitive, benevolent, ambitious, loyal, honorable, reckless
- Life Challenge
- Appreciate patience and heed wise counsel of others
- Tiger Lover
- Passionate to the extreme with unquenchable sexual thirsts
- Born flirts, win their beloved's heart with heroic deeds
- Chase them by arranging exciting and fun dates
- Attraction to change, adventure leaves little time to settle down, marry
- Like to experiment with short burst of monogamy
- Routine soon stifles them, ensures a promiscuous lifestyle
- Tiger Family Member
- Adorable, energetic, and engaging as children; grow up to be family's champion
- Generous with time, money, possessions; never think to ask for anything back
- Don't hesitate to give everything up to ensure safety of even the most distant relative
- Children attracted to them; naturally good parents; protective, encouraging
- Given freedem and space to roam, they are capable of establishing a family
- Tiger Friend
- Full of personality, humor, unmatched optimism; entertaining, uplifting friends
- Love having a busy social life, can't resist allure of parties
- Gifted storytellers; love to dress up; good to have at social gatherings
- Also make loyal, dependable friends who will stand by mates during ups, downs
- Can't stand lingering in misery for long themselves
- Won't tolerate dark moods in others; go to lengths to brighten everyone's day
- Tiger At Work
- Motivating managers, formidable leaders; quickly rise to positions of power
- Supremacy unmatched if they learn to heed counsel of those wiser, more reflective
- Loyal to employers, supportive of colleagues; deplore workplace injustice
- Honesty, desire to protect less fortunate; take up many causes
- Ambitious and talented; attracted to recognition, rewards provided by a job
- Ideal Occupations
- Entrepreneur, actor, writer, union leader, explorer
- Teacher, military leader
- The Five Tiger Types
- Wood Tiger ~ 1914, 1974
- Influence of double wood creaste a very charming, socially oriented Tiger
- They love to entertain and be entertained, the life of the party
- Prefer to keep a carefree existence, devoid of commitments
- Fire Tiger ~ 1926, 1986
- Fire adds even more passion and energy to Tiger personality
- Know only two speeds ~ flat out, full stop
- Constantly chasing new opportunities, frequently changing careers
- Hectic, stressful lifestyles can cause early burnout
- Earth Tiger ~ 1938, 1998
- Earth provides the daring Tiger with much-needed stability, practicality
- The most patient of all Tigers
- Most likely to succeed in balancing live, achieving long-range goals
- Keen nurturing side makes them indulgent parents and partners
- Metal Tiger ~ 1950, 2010
- Loaded with added strength and vitality
- The most ruthless, ambitious Tigers; rarely show any sentimentality
- Commanding, inflexible figures in business; often have fierce tempers
- Water Tiger ~ 1962
- Water Tigers are most intuitive and calm of all Tigers, less volatile life
- Operate from highly tuned instincts; gut feelings usually correct
- Fair, just leaders; champions of life's "underdogs"