4.6 Deer - Cornplanting Moon
4.6.2 Comparisons of the Western Zodiac, the Medicine Wheel, and the Chinese Zodiac
Greco-Roman Zodiac: Gemini; mutable, air, ruler
Zodiacal associations:
animal is Twins (Gemini); stone, pearl or moonstone
Roman Zodiacal associations:
animal is Magpie, hybrids; plant, orchid, hybrids; gem, Tourmaline
color, Orange; symbol, Twins
animal is Deer; plant, Yarrow; mineral, Moss Agate; colors, Green and White
animal associations are Snake, Monkey, Rat
associations - Sahak, Moonstone, June, Kuritee, Years of the Strange Storms
4.6.4 Western Zodiac Western Zodiac: Gemini
(Walker 290-291)
Egyptian symbol for Gemini was a man and a woman with joined hands (Budge, GE)
in Sanskrit, they were Mithuna and Maithuna, the Lovers
to Romans, they were god Apollo coupled with his sister Diana (Artemis)
to Babylonians, they were Mastabagalgal, twins of indefinite gender
Persians and Greeks called them Dopatkar and Didumoi, Twins
the male twins, as Castor and Pollux, the Dioscuri
may have been patriarchal versions of earlier androgynous pairs
older myths - gods and goddesses were twins as well as spouses
even mother-child dyads
mother, sister, bride of the god, all embodied in Triple Goddess
astrological designations usually connect them with Romulus and Remus
alleged founders of Rome, and twin foster-sons to Sabine she-wolf
originally some doubt to their gender
some said real founder of Rome to be, of Romulan gens, a woman named Rhone
either a Greek, or a fugitive from fallen Troy
Syracrusan historian Callias (ca 300 AD) supposed
she was the wife of legendary Sabine king Talinus
she was called the Amazonian daughter of Mars (2nd century BC)
others said she was the wife of Aeneas, the "other" founder of Rome according to a different legend
just as pre-Roman matriarchs were apotheosized as Goddesses
male Romulus apotheosized as god Quininus
appeared in roadway vision to his followers exactly as Jesus in the Pauline legend
bears suggestive resemblance to an older Roman myth (Grant)
seems clear that Rome developed out of the Sabine matriarchate
producing the Roman clan
later stories held that followers were forced to steal Sabine wives
to have sanguis ac genus, the holy blood of the race, embodied
transmitted only by the women (Dumézil)
early Roman clans named for founding mother, Sabine-style
* these tribal matriarchs assimilated into spinning Fortunae (Fate-Goddesses)
whose only duty was to spin (Gage)
androgynous view makes more sense - union of opposites as yin-yang
Gemini people said to be:
dualistic in interests and tastes, as if inhabited by two personalities
restless, cleverness, inventiveness qualities
impatience, tendency to boredom
Gemini influenced by Mercury, becomes "mercurial" in its union of opposites
Gemini governs arts and sciences, covering different kinds of knowledge Western Planet Associations: Mercury
(Walker 214)
Mercury (see
, Virgo) Zodiac: Gemini, Twin Merti
(Phenomenon 50-53)
direction is Mutable; masculine; air sign
Ruler is Mercury; Exaltation is Dragon's Head, Moon's North Pole
Hebrew, Arabic, Greek and Hieroglyph associations
body part - lungs, arms, hands; meridian, liver
alchemical is fixation; tarot, Lovers; geomancy, Albus; Genii, Hanabi
Egyptian Twin Merti; Greek Castor and Pollux; Roman Janus
weapons, the Tripod; perfume, Wormwood
Egyptian Thoth, WIsdom and Learning, the Scribe
Greek Hermes; Roman Mercurius, God of Commerce, Transport and Thievery
Mercury is dualistic, instinctual mind, facile intelligence, variety
speech and dexterity, media, mimicry and impersonation, short trips
brothers and sisters, musicians, journalists, clerks, authors, commuters
Western Wheels
Western Seasonal Wheel
Western Zodiacal Wheel
Western Elemental Wheel
Western Planetary Wheel
Stonehenge Wheel
© 1997-2009
Refiner of Gold Creations
Created 2/10/2002. by EMC, Updated 11/13/2009.