4.6 Deer - Cornplanting Moon
4.6.2 Comparisons of the Western Zodiac, the Medicine Wheel, and the Chinese Zodiac
- Greco-Roman Zodiac: Gemini; mutable, air, ruler
- Zodiacal associations:
- animal is Twins (Gemini); stone, pearl or moonstone
- Roman Zodiacal associations:
- animal is Magpie, hybrids; plant, orchid, hybrids; gem, Tourmaline
- color, Orange; symbol, Twins
- Amerindian associations:
- animal is Deer; plant, Yarrow; mineral, Moss Agate; colors, Green and White
- Chinese animal associations are Snake, Monkey, Rat
- Eck-Vidya associations - Sahak, Moonstone, June, Kuritee, Years of the Strange Storms
4.6.3 Chinese Zodiac
- there will be more than one version of the Chinese zodiac discussed for each
- all views are valid, some are variable
- Latter Heaven Pa-kua/Ba-gua aligns with Morgan-Carron's vision (living)
- Former Heaven Pa-kua/Ba-gua most aligns with Wilson's vision (ceremonial)
- Hulse has the animals nearly 180 degrees displaced from the Latter Heaven (mysteries)
- a Western interpretation of the Chinese Wheel/Compass Animal Associations
- Snake (MC)
- wise and intense with a tendency toward physical beauty, vain and high tempered
- 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001...
- Monkey (Wilson MW 155-157)
- very intelligent, able to influence people; an enthusiastic achiever
- easily discouraged and confused (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980)
- Rat (Hulse)
- ambitious, yet honest, prone to spend freely, seldom making lasting friendships
- 1900, 1912, 1924, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008...
- Snake is aligned with Deer in the Medicine Wheel Roy Wilson's vision (Wilson MW)
- Monkey is aligned with Deer in the Medicine Wheel Feng Shui: Snake (Living Color 165-169)
- Fourth month in Chinese lunar calendar (S-SE); 10th hour of 24-hour clock
- Snake is often called a "little dragon" and is considered a lucky year
- they are wise, thoughtful, and calm
- tend to be physically attractive, but often fickle
- easily glide into the world of fame and success
- but if confronted the wrong way can be selfish and venomous
- the ease of success can make them lazy and self-centered
- and their elegance can border on pretension
- colors - blue, green (East, Wood); red, pink, purple (South, Fire)
- compatible with Monkey, Ox, Cock or Rooster
- incompatible with Tiger, Pig, Monkey
- ironically, Snake is 180° from it Amerindian position of the wheel
- a compatible balance of natures Chinese Astrology: Snake ID Card (White 212-213)
- best color is ice blue; birthstone, opal; fragrance, musk; flavor, bittersweet
- flower is camellia; tree, palm; lucky number is three
- favorite food is caviar; drink, champagne; spice, curry; herb, fennel
- favorite animal is turtle dove; metal, platinum; musical instrument, violin
- the Snake is Yang, motto "I Feel"
- when a Snake is at his most appealing, he can be amiable, compromising, fun-loving
- altruistic, honorable, sympathetic, philosophical, charitable, a paragon of fashion
- intuitive, discreet, diplomatic, amusing and sexy
- but when a snake decides to be a pill, he becomes self-righteous, impervious
- judgmental, conniving, mendacious, grabby, clinging, pessimistic
- fickle, haughty, ostentations and a very sore loser
- 4 Feb 1905-24 Jan 1906; 23 Jan 1917-10 Feb 1918; 10 Feb 1929-29 Feb 1930
- 27 Jan 1941-14 Feb 1942; 14 Feb 1953-2 Feb 1954; 32 Feb 1965-20 Jan 1966
- 18 Feb 1977-6 Feb 1978; 6 Feb 1989-26 Jan 1990; 24 Jan 2001-11 Feb 2002
- 10 Feb 2013-30 Jan 2014; 29 Jan 2025-16 Feb 2026 Snake
(Burns 40-43)
- The Sixth animal to arrive at Buddha's celebration
- Motto is: "I have sense"
- 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
- Natural Energy is Yin; Natural Element is Fire
- Snake's position at Buddha's side denotes centrality and wisdom
- This is a position of quiet but distinct influence
- Snakes are able to draw strength and power effortlessly from others
- Snake women believed to be the most beautiful and alluring of all the signs
- True intellectuals, prefer world of thought to world of action
- Demonstrate much self-control and appropriate emotional detachment
- Snakes probably wrote the rules of political correctness
- Cultured and sophisticated; conservative yet tasteful
- Able to aquire material wealth easily
- Character Traits
- Alert, intelligent, wise, calculating, cautious
- Mysterious, alluring, elegant, shrewd, sophisticated
- Sensual, reflective, organized, conservative
- Life Challenge
- To become more physically involved in their world
- Become more emotionally accessible
- Ox Lover
- Alluring, gifted lovers; once committed, capable of deep, enduring love
- Able to entrance all around them with hypnotic gaze and sensual conversation
- Smart in the love arena; choose partners according to their perceived benefits
- Often appear cold, aloof
- Demonstration of emotional detachment part of intricate plan of entrapment
- Snake Family Member
- Stability, constancy of family and home provide structured, reliable environment
- Make good homemakers; gifted with money-management skills
- Ensure their families will want for nothing
- Deeply attached to partners and children
- Can be a little oversensitive and protective toward loved ones
- Snake childrens also very sensitive to family quarrels
- Protective of their siblings
- But don't like them getting too much attention from parents
- Brings out their jealous streak
- Snake Friend
- Very sociable; are addicted party-goers; prefer controlled indoor activities
- Fascinated by cultural pursuits; spend time arranging, attending trips
- To theaters, galleries, museums; invite their friends
- Appreciate finer things; enjoy lucuriating in opulence
- Fine dining, vintage wines always popular with Snakes
- They will hold many understated, though exquisite dinner parties
- Snake At Work
- Often find success later in life; spend younth cultivating social, artistic interests
- Once career oriented, demonstrate keen business acumen, political savvy
- Won't necessary seek obvious positions of power
- Prefer roles where can influence and counsel figureheads on strategic directions
- The best networkers of the zodiac; excellent organizers
- Extremely efficient at everything they do
- Appear to achieve much with very little effort
- Fenerally liked in workplace; sometimes accused of having hidden agenda
- Ideal Occupations
- Scientist, academic, art or food critic, writer, poet
- Philosopher, human resource manager, interior designer
- The Five Snake Types
- Wood Snake ~ 1965
- Wood makes Snakes quite laid back, happy to indulge in leisure, cultural pursuits
- Rather than focusing on career
- Occupations of choice will be sedate and independent; i.e. writing
- Enables them to blen their work perfectly with social, cultural activities
- Fire Snake ~ 1917, 1977
- Fire is natural element; it serves to accentuate already impressive list of traits
- Will have more energy, dynamic presence than other Snakes
- Likely to set many professional goals; achieve goals with little effort
- Earth Snake ~ 1929, 1989
- Earth balances Snake's sometimes fragile inner peace
- A more relaxed and openly communicative Snake emerges
- Calm, quiet people who are genuinely concerned about others
- Not as manipulative as or secretive as other Snakes
- Metal Snake ~ 1941, 2001
- Metal brings unwavering strength, seriousness to Snake's character
- Have a very healthy ego; extremely confident of abilities
- Perfectionists in everything they do
- Ambitious, capable of working long and hard to achieve goals
- Water Snake ~ 1953, 2013
- Highly intuitive combinatin means they will be revered for accurate perceptions and feelings
- Naturally gifted with clairvoyance
- Highly valued counselors and advisors to business, political leaders