Red-Tailed Hawk
4.4 Red Hawk - Budding Trees Moon
4.4.2 Comparisons of the Western Zodiac, the Medicine Wheel, and the Chinese Zodiac
Greco-Roman Zodiac: Aries, Cardinal; Fire; Ruler exalted
Zodiacal animal is Ram (Aries); stone is diamond
Roman zodiacal animal is Ram, owl; plant, Tiger Lily or Geranium; gem, Ruby; color, Red
animal is Red Hawk; plant, Dandelion; mineral, Fire Opal; color, Yellow
animal associations are Rabbit, Cat, Horse, Pig or Boar
associations - Ebkia, Opal, April, Yigerta, Years of the Beautiful Flowers
4.4.4 Western Zodiac Western Zodiac: Aries
(Walker 289)
to the Persians, it was Varak, the Lamb; to the Greeks, it was Krios, the Ram
in India, Mesha or Aja, the Ram or the Goat
Babylonians called it Zappa, the Hair or Hunga, the Worker
Romans knew it as Minerva
perhaps linguistic confusion of Aries with the Greek war god Ares (Mars to Romans)
caused the ram to be traditionally associated with warlike planet Mars and somewhat Martian characteristics as
aggression, quick temper, determination, courage
impetuosity, high levels of activity, sometimes rashness
also associated with element of Fire
Aries and Fire
related ideas of warmth, enthusiasm, vital powers, sanguine spirit
domestic strife, and varying fortune is often attributed to Aries people Western Planet Associations: Mars
(Walker 213)
sign is standard for Mars; "male" in botany and zoology
as counter sign to Venus ("female")
Mars became associated with Venus, in classical mythology, as one of her lovers
possibly because the pair stood for a yang-and-yin of alternation of opposites: love and hate
Greek version was Ares, god of strife and discord
Scandinavian version was Nergal, "Shedder of Blood"
a god linked with misfortune and disaster, a Lord of Death
Mars was not originally a god of war:
his earliest Etruscan image was that of a sacrificial fertility god Maris
worshipped at an ancient shrine in northern Latrum (Whittick)
like most fertility saviors, mated to the Goddess Marica
upon which he begat divine king Latinus, legendary ancestor of all Latin tribes
Mars was incarnation in the sacrificial goat, Faunus
he was the flayed satyr-hero Marsyas in Greek myth
it was his flaying that earned him the name of the Red God (Larousse)
probably due to military exercises on the Roman Campus Martius, "Field of Mars"
where the ancient sacrifices were once made
Mars became patron of Roman legions
then he became god of Battle as soldiers carried his emblems on campaigns
they called him Marspita, "Father Mars"
his sacred day called "dies Martis" was Tuesday
named in English after Tiw, whom the Romans called the northern Mars
classical writers insisted that he was virgin-born (the usual requirement for heroes)
from the Queen of Heaven herself, Juno
to conceive Mars, she rejected her spouse, Jupiter
then magically fertilized herself with her own sacred lily Zodiac: Aries, Chnoum
(Phenomenon 42-45)
direction is Cardinal; masculine; Fire sign
Ruler is Mars; exaltation is Sun
Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, and Hieroglyph associastions
symbol is Ram; body part is head, eyes; meridian is kidney
alchemical is calcination; tarot, Emperor; geomancy, Puer; Genii, Papus
Egyptian Chnoum, the Moulder; Greek Ares, Roman Mars
weapons, the Horns; perfume, Dragon's Blood
Athene, Greek Goddess of Wisdom and the Arts
Aries produces strong primal self-assertive energy
the driving force and urge to act, daring and intuitive, new enterprises
adventurers, soldiers, pioneers, adventurers, metal workers, butchers, gangsters
Western Wheels
Western Seasonal Wheel
Western Zodiacal Wheel
Western Elemental Wheel
Western Planetary Wheel
Stonehenge Wheel
© 1997-2009
Refiner of Gold Creations
Created 2/10/2002. by EMC, Updated 11/13/2009.