Red-Tailed Hawk
4.4 Red Hawk - Budding Trees Moon
4.4.2 Comparisons of the Western Zodiac, the Medicine Wheel, and the Chinese Zodiac
- Greco-Roman Zodiac: Aries, Cardinal; Fire; Ruler exalted
- Zodiacal animal is Ram (Aries); stone is diamond
- Roman zodiacal animal is Ram, owl; plant, Tiger Lily or Geranium; gem, Ruby; color, Red
- Amerindian animal is Red Hawk; plant, Dandelion; mineral, Fire Opal; color, Yellow
- Chinese animal associations are Rabbit, Cat, Horse, Pig or Boar
- Eck-Vidya associations - Ebkia, Opal, April, Yigerta, Years of the Beautiful Flowers
4.4.3 Chinese Zodiac
- there will be more than one version of the Chinese zodiac discussed for each
- all views are valid, some are variable
- Latter Heaven Pa-kua/Ba-gua aligns with Morgan-Carron's vision (living)
- Former Heaven Pa-kua/Ba-gua most aligns with Wilson's vision (ceremonial)
- Hulse has the animals nearly 180 degrees displaced from the Latter Heaven (mysteries)
- a Western interpretation of the Chinese Wheel/Compass Animal Associations
- Rabbit (MC)
- luckiest of all signs, also talented and articulate
- affectionate, yet shy, seeking peace throughout life
- 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011...
- Horse (Wilson MW 155-157)
- popular and attractive to opposite sex, often ostentations and impatient
- needs people (1954, 1966, 1978, 1990)
- Dog (Hulse)
- loyal and honest, working well with others; generous yet stubborn, & often selfish
- 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006...
- Rabbit or Cat aligns with Hawk in the Medicine Wheel Roy Wilson's vision (Wilson MW)
- Horse aligns with Hawk in the Medicine Wheel Feng Shui: Rabbit (Living Color 165-169)
- East; 2nd month of Chinese year; 6:00 in 24-hour clock
- Rabbit tends to be quick, clever, ambitious
- but is easily distracted; adept socially
- tactful, calm and sensitive to others
- this calm, at times, can seem cool or aloof
- the sensitivity can be thick-skinned, & the cleverness can be arch and dilettantish
- Rabbit tends to be lucky: with little work, it can go far
- color - green or blue (East, Wood)
- compatible with dog, pig, ram
- incompatible with dragon, cock, rat, horse Chinese Astrology: Cat ID Card (White 130-131)
- note that the Cat (domestic; Vietnamese) often replaces Rabbit (Chinese)
- best color is grey; flavor, tangy; lucky number, 4; fragrance, shalimar
- flower is rose; tree, poplar; birthstone, sapphire; musical instrument, piano
- favorite food is fish; drink, bordeaux; herb, tarragon; spice, pepper
- animal is squirrel; metal is bronze
- Cat is Yin, motto "I Retreat"
- in pussycat mode, the Cat person is sensitive, tactful, home-loving, refined, prudent
- discreet, long-living, ambitious, cultured, well-mannered, artistic, considerate
- scholarly, suave, graciously hospitable, modest and unimpeachably virtuous
- but rub his fur the wrong way and he becomes snobbish, secretive, pedantic
- complicated, hypochondriacal, punctilious, judgmental, self-righteous
- deceptive, self-centered, and terminally condescending
- 29 Jan 1903-15 Feb 1904; 14 Feb 1915-2 Feb 1916; 2 Feb 1927-22 Jan 1928
- 19 Feb 1939-7 Feb 1940; 6 Feb 1951-26 Jan 1952; 25 Jan 1963-12 Feb 1964
- 11 Feb 1975-30 Jan 1976; 29 Jan 1987-16 Feb 1988; 16 Feb 1999-4 Feb 2000
- 3 Feb 2011-22 Jan 2012; 22 Jan 2023-9 Feb 2024 Hare
(Burns 32-35)
- The fourth animal to arrive at Buddha's celebration
- Motto is: "I am discreet"
- 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
- Natural Energy is Yin; Natural Element is Wood
- As fourth to reach Buddha, Hare holds position of harmony and flexibility
- Generally kind, sensitive characters; detest open conflict
- Prefer to manage disputes with skillful diplomacy, intelligence, and tact
- Approach life with cautious detachment, prefer role of protector observer
- Tend to choose safe, conservative options and goals
- Can mean fewer large-scale rewards, less upheaval in lives
- Happy, discreet and refined people
- Character Traits
- Diplomatic, peaceful, sensitive, intuitive, reflective
- Refined, stylish, moderate, caring, quiet, friendly
- Alert, even-tempered, clever, sexy, intelligent
- Life Challenge
- To overcome a fear of change; take more risks in life
- Hare Lover
- Hare is a fertile sign to Chinese, possibly from its attunement with nature
- Also cycles of life; highly sensitive to their own reproductive cycles
- Key indulgences of amorous Hare are clandestine romance, intimate delights
- Generally passive lovers; practice discretion
- Lighthearted teasers attracted to older, wiser characters
- Security, protection important qualities expected in their intimate relationships
- Hare Family Member
- Make easygoing partners who relish roles of homemaker, parent
- Blessed with refinement, good taste; comfort is also key need
- Can be meticulous about decor and maintenance of home
- Go to great lengths to ensure harmonious relationships in family
- Will not abide tantrums, fighting; have calming influence
- Like to practice what they preach
- Hare Friend
- Caring, adaptable friends; others feel quite comfortable around anytime
- Find company of a few close friends reassuring; can prefer this to solitude
- Invest a lot of time in cultivating friendships
- Love nature; curiosity about world makes them keen, flexible travelers
- Hare At Work
- Prefer to work on their own in evenly paced, calm environment
- Independent occupations feed their souls
- Those that can employ good taste, refinement or kinship with environment
- Intuition, intelligence equips them well in business, especially as diplomats or mediators
- Flexibility and genuine concern for others ensures easy fit into any team
- As long as the workplace is not marked with constant change, open hostility
- Can perform well in numeous positions and types of businesses
- Ideal Occupations
- Diplomat, antique dealer, interior decorator, art colelctor
- Biologist, sociologist, naturalist, forester, counselor, mediator
- The Five Hare Types
- Wood Hare ~ 1915, 1975
- Emphasis of double wood produces very generous, altrusitic Hares
- Preoccupied with receiving, sharing material wealth
- Quite creative and artistic, frequently choose the arts to express talents
- Will commit to frequent travel for inspiration
- Fire Hare ~ 1927, 1987
- Fire adds passion and more daring to normally reticent Hare
- Skilled with verbal dexterity; make great debaters, politicians
- Not too fearful of public eye when pursuing justice for minority groups
- Additional energy brings more dedication to long-range plans
- Earth Hare ~ 1939, 1999
- Earth adds to Hare's already balanced nature
- Become fairly pragmatic, moralisic; serious, hard-working characters
- Will follow tradition, apply caution when making decisions
- Metal Hare ~ 1951, 2011
- Metal provides much-needed tenaticy and courage
- The least emotional of all Hares; very adept in political, business arena
- Ambitious; will find much success due to visionary skills
- Need to watch that they do not become too rigid in beliefs
- Water Hare ~ 1963
- Water deepends Hare's already intuitive and sensitive nature
- They are extremely sensitive to surroundings and others' hardships
- Plagued by irratinoal fears, insecurity
- May become rather withdrawn, extremely passive
- Relationship Chart