4.8 Sturgeon - Ripe Berries Moon
4.8.2 Comparisons of the Western Zodiac, the Medicine Wheel, and the Chinese Zodiac
Greco-Roman Zodiac
: Leo; fixed, fire, ruler
Zodiacal Associations: animal, Lion (Leo); stone, Sardonyx or Peridot
Roman Zodiacal associations:
animal is lion; plant, Sunflower; gem, Cats Eye; color, Yellow; symbol, Lion
animal is Sturgeon; plant, Raspberry; minerals, Garnet, Iron; color, Red
Chinese animal associations: Sheep, Goat or Ram, Dog, Tiger
associations - Mokshove, Diamond, August, Seltea, Years of the Bountiful Earth
4.8.3 Chinese Zodiac
there will be more than one version of the Chinese zodiac discussed for each
all views are valid, some are variable
Latter Heaven Pa-kua/Ba-gua aligns with Morgan-Carron's vision (living)
Former Heaven Pa-kua/Ba-gua most aligns with Wilson's vision (ceremonial)
Hulse has the animals nearly 180 degrees displaced from the Latter Heaven (mysteries)
a Western interpretation of the Chinese Wheel/Compass Animal Associations
Sheep or Ram
elegant and creative; timid, preferring anonymity
1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003...
(Wilson MW 155-157)
loyal and honest, works well with others
generous yet stubborn, often selfish (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982)
aggressive, courageous, candid, sensitive
1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010...
Sheep or Ram align with Sturgeon in the Medicine Wheel Roy Wilson's vision
(Wilson MW)
Dog aligns with Sturgeon in the Medicine Wheel Feng Shui: Sheep or Ram
(Living Color 165-169)
Sixth month in Chinese lunar calendar (S-SW); 14th hour of 24-hour clock (2 pm)
Ram is artistic and bright and makes a good business person
good-natured and selfless, can be a bit wishy-washy
may have family problems and tend to be melancholy
colors - brown (Earth, Center); red, pink (Fire, South)
compatible with Horse, Rabbit or Cat, Pig
incompatible with Ox, Rat, Dog, Dragon Chinese Astrology: Goat ID Card
(White 300-301)
best color is light green; birthstone, sapphire; fragrance, apple blossom
flower, narcissus; tree, dogwood; flavor, bland; lucky number is ten
favorite food is raw vegetables; drink, mineral water; spice, saffron
herb, mint; animal, nightingale; metal, aluminum; musical instrument, harp
Goat is Yang, motto "I Depend"
on good days, Goats are appealing, altrustic, creative, empathetic
intuitive, generous, artless, gentle, romantic, sensitive
compliant, candid, self-effacing darlings
but when the going gets rough, Goats become self-pitying, pessimistic, fugitive
parasitic, vengeful, lazy, indecisive, contentious, violent, capricious
irresponsible, tardy, careless, bigoted, nasty little pieces of work
31 Feb 1907-1Feb 1908; 1 Feb 1919-19 Feb 1920; 17 Feb 1931-5 Feb 1932
5 Feb 1943-24 Jan 1944; 24 Jan 1955-11 Feb 1956; 9 Feb 1967-29 Jan 1968
28 Jan 1979-15 Feb 1980; 15 Feb 1991-3 Feb 1992; 1 Feb 2003-21 Jan 2004
10 Feb 2015-7 Feb 2016; 6 Feb 2027-25 Jan 2028 Sheep
(Burns 48-51)
The eighth animal to arrive at Buddha's celebration
Motto is: "I adapt"
1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1991, 2003, 2015
Natural Energy is ; Natural Element is
Sheep's position beside Buddha is associated with peace and serenity
Introverted, quiet, patient and friendly; extreme pacifists, detest violence
Live by their strong values and beliefs; have keen sense of right and wrong
Have imaginative and crative minds; often gifted artists, writers, musicians
Calm introspective personalities make them good listeners
Like to hear all points of view before forming a judgment, making a decision
Character Traits
Creative, imaginative, sensitive, sincere, cautious, adaptable
Gentle, easygoing, refined, moderate, calm, optimistic, orderly
Friendly, romantic, sympathetic, pleasant, honest
Life Challenge
To develop confidence in their own abilities
To take more risks in life
Sheep Lover
Very sexy people, intuitively aware of partners' and own sexual natures
This is a fertile sign; rmantic, caring and sensitive lovers
Want to experience many lovers before settling down
Can be a little self-conscious about their bodies, big sexual appetites
They are not so quiet as to let their needs go unfulfilled
Will let their partners know tactfully what makes them happy
Once committed, they make faithful and considerate partners
Sheep Family Member
Security and stability of family life suits Sheep
Can be source of inspiration and support ot fuel creative talents
Nostalgic to extreme, fill homes with family photos, display family mementos
Considerate and easygoing partners; patient and nurturing parents
Able to maintain good communication, close ties with their children
Peacemakers in their families; strive to keep home environment harmonious
Sheep Friend
Kindhearted and generous of spirit; make very understanding friends
Stick by their pals through thick and thin; non-judgemental, forgive easily
It is the Sheep friend to whom all turn for a shoulder to cry on, or sympathetic ear
Sheep At Work
Much liked by their employers, colleagues; not overly ambitious in traditional sense
Friendly and very good with detail and analytical work
May be particular with their own work; perceived as perfectionists by others
Need a supportive, stress-free work environment
Frequently fall ill if workplace becomes chaotic
To pursue artisitc talents, need freedom to allow imaginations to wander unhindered
Not motivated by money or power, but by creative license, harmonious relationships
Ideal Occupations
Writer, poet, musician, artist, actor, therapist
Religious minister, architect, gardener
The Five Sheep Types
Wood Sheep ~ 1955, 2015
Wood strengthens Sheep's creative talents; often are humble artists, musicians
very compassionate, generous people; have large number of friends
Fire Sheep ~ 1967
Fire adds some passion and energy to normally reserved and patient Sheep
More confident in their own abilities
Use personal charm to get what they want from others
Earth Sheep ~ 1919, 1979
Double earth heightens all of Sheep's inherent traits
They are shining examples of strong moral beliefs
Many are deeply spiritual, attracted to religion or missionary work
Metal Sheep ~ 1931, 1991
Metal strengthens Sheep's character
Display a more forthright and determined side to personality
No trouble persevering through all manner of obstacles to achieve desires
Water Sheep ~ 1943, 2003
Water heightens emotions and intuition
Supersensitive to everyone, everything around them
Can cause them to be highly stressed, anxious individuals
Advised to undertake a lot of self-development and relaxation courses
Eastern Wheels
Navajo-Tibetan Wheel
A Chinese Wheel
Chinese Moons
Feng Shui Wheel
Introduction to Feng Shui
Pa Kua Former Heaven Wheel
Pa Kua Latter Heaven Wheel
© 1997-2009
Refiner of Gold Creations
Created 6/18/1998 by EMC, Updated 8/29/2005.