Native American Medicine Wheel
~ | ~ Snow Goose
~ | ~ Otter
~ | ~ Cougar
~ | ~ Hawk
~ | ~ Beaver
~ | ~ Deer ~ | ~
~ | ~ Flicker
~ | ~ Sturgeon
~ | ~ Bear
~ | ~ Raven
~ | ~ Snake
~ | ~ Elk
~ | ~ Blue ~ | ~
4.8 Sturgeon - Ripe Berries Moon
4.8.1 Medicine Wheel (Wilson MW 120-122)
- Ripe Berries Moon, Cancer, July 23 - August 22
- South; animal, Sturgeon; plant, Raspberry; minerals, Garnet and Iron; Red
Roy Wilson ~ | ~ Sun Bear ~ | ~
Grey Wolf Color: Red (Bruce-Mitford 106 106)
- Color of life-blood, fire, passion, war
- Worn by brides in India and China as symbol of good luck and fertility
- Christian calendars marked holy days in red
- Color of danger, warning signs marked in red
- Red flag, a symbol of revolution, communist party
- First raised during French Revolution; adopted by Paris commune in 1871
- Later by Russian communists
- Holy Red - used to celebrate mass commemorating martyrs
- Priest wears red chasuble, color symbolic of shed blood
- Also color of Christ's passion
- Red Devil - since Medieval times, Satan or Devil depicted with red clothes or skin
- Color of hellfire and damnation; also unbridled passion and lust
- Status-symbol red - association with vivility, danger, and sexual excitement
- Popular on flashy sports cars as the ultimate symbol of masculine success in wealthy countries Medicine Stone: Garnet (Wilson VFEM 14)
- A silicate crystal, fairly hard with resinous lustre
- Comes in red, green, brown, yellow, black and white
- Has either 12 diamond-shaped faces or 24 trapezium shaped faces
- Found in mica, limestone, serpentine, peridotites, and granite rocks
- Found near streams and anthills
- Red color, like carnelian, most associated with blood or the heart
- Powdered garnet was used as a poultice to act as a stimulant to the heart
- Green is the color of learning, growth, development, creativity
- Brown garnet carries powers of earth energy
- Power of love and communication in yellow stone
- Black garnet offers powers that help in the search for truth or revelation
- The white garnet carries the power of the teacher
- Known as regal stones among Romans and Persians
- Used as abrassives on paper and grinding wheels
- Garnet people can be found in a variety of settings and forms
- Yet they have common characteristics
- Work from the ehart center, therefore are intuitive, perceptive, clairvoyant
- Say things that penetrate straight to the heart of both friends & powerful enemies
- Can be regal in their bearing, but must be on guard against their own powers
- For they can become impulsive, negative, erotic, which can affect their own heart Animal Totem: Sturgeon (Wilson VFEM 38)
- Possibly a vestige of the dinosaur era; king of the fish family
- Lives in fresh water, grows to 12' in length; skeletons are mainly cartilage
- Covered with bony plates like knights' armour
- Which are difficult for even an ax to penetrate
- Reach sexual maturity in about 20 years
- Spawn in spring or summer of every year laying about 2,000,000 eggs
- Roe is known as caviar; have been fished almost to extinction
- Sturgeon people are ancient souls who usually rule those who dwell in their habitation
- Much primal energy flows through them
- Were born to lead and are usually fair and benevolent leaders
- As long as their energies flow smoothly
- They have an unending source of strength and depth of feelings
- But must remain harmonious with life
- Become arrogant and too dominant when out of balance
- Have a tough armour that is difficult to cut through
- But are warm and tenderhearted once you get to know them
- And get under their protective coating
- Then you can experience the true softness of their characters
- They come to maturity later than most people and usually live longer Plant Totem: Raspberry (Wilson VFEM 46-47)
- A member of the berry family
- Not actually a berry, but aggregate of about 20 drupelets
- Has canes that grow erect, are freely branches; it is a perennial
- Leaves are green on top, grayish-white underneath
- Medicine powers: leaves, roots, and berries medicinal
- Berries cleanse the system
- Root is an astringent with some antibiotic and healing properties
- Contains tannic and gallic acid
- Tea can be used as a gargle for sore throats
- Also as a compress for wounds and cuts, as well as to cure diarrhea
- It has been used to remove cankers from mucous membranes
- Used by pregnant women to strengthen their uterus
- Prevents miscarriage and makes birth easier
- Considered helpful for female problems during menstrual cycle
- A tea from twigs may be used to relieve colds, flu and difficulty in breathing
- Raspberry people are often sought out for enjoyment they provide
- They first appear to others in berry nature (soft-heartedness)
- Or thorny nature (bombastic-aggressiveness)
- Sooner or later will discover their other nature
- Have a need to shield themselves
- Beneath surface are sensitive and easily hurt
- They do not like to reveal this, goes against independent nature
- Have a cleansing-astringent effect on all those around them
- Are excellent to have around in emergencies
- They can stop bleeding wounds in their group
- Out of balance they can plot elaborate revenges
Roy Wilson ~ | ~ Sun Bear ~ | ~
Grey Wolf
Introduction: Page One
~ | ~ Page Two
~ | ~ Page Three
~ | ~ Page Four
~ | ~ Page Five ~ | ~
~ | ~ Sacred Altar
~ | ~ East
~ | ~ South
~ | ~ West
~ | ~ North ~ | ~
Inner Circle:
Owl ~ | ~ Cougar
~ | ~ Hawk ~ | ~ Coyote
~ | ~ Wolf ~ | ~ Bear
~ | ~ Raven ~ | ~
Outer Circle:
Snow Goose ~ | ~
Otter ~ | ~
Cougar ~ | ~
Hawk ~ | ~
Beaver ~ | ~
Deer ~ | ~
~ | ~ Flicker ~ | ~
Sturgeon ~ | ~
Bear ~ | ~
Raven ~ | ~
Snake ~ | ~
Elk ~ | ~
Blue ~ | ~