Native American Medicine Wheel
~ | ~ Snow Goose
~ | ~ Otter
~ | ~ Cougar
~ | ~ Hawk
~ | ~ Beaver
~ | ~ Deer ~ | ~
~ | ~ Flicker
~ | ~ Sturgeon
~ | ~ Bear
~ | ~ Raven
~ | ~ Snake
~ | ~ Elk
~ | ~ Blue ~ | ~
4.10 Raven - Ducks Fly Moon
4.10.1 Medicine Wheel (Wilson MW 120-122)
- Ducks Fly Moon, Libra, September 23 - October 23
- West; animal is Raven; plant, Mullein; mineral, Jasper; color, Brown
Vision: Roy Wilson ~ | ~
Sun Bear ~ | ~
Grey Wolf Color: Brown (Bruce-Mitford 106)
- Symbolizes earth and fall
- Also as color of earth, symbolic of humility and degradation
- Monks during Middle Ages wore this color to signify retreat from the World as a sign of mourning Medicine Stone: Jasper (Wilson VFEM 14-15)
- A form of quartz; brown, reddish brown, black, blue, yellow, and green
- Treasured as an amulet, especially if shaped like a heart
- Gives heat of the Sun, can cause water to boil
- Has power to stop bleeding, make owner invisible, ensure safe and long life
- Draw poison from snake bites, restore lost eyesight
- Bring rain if placed in water
- Until very modern times, physicians used bloodstone to stop bleeding
- By pulverizing the stone and mixing with egg-white and honey to stop hemorrhage
- Has power over bad spirits, allows owner to cast spells over others
- All forms of jasper bring blessing to owner; all forms attract earth energy
- When placed in water in the morning sun, they bring beneficial effects
- Jasper people come in a wide variety of forms, depending upon mood or balance
- When in balance, they display a wide range of musical attributes
- Have psychic powers
- Bring great hurt and pain to themselves if they use their powers for personal gain
- When in balance they are kind, loving, considerate, and concerned for others
- They make good medians, and healers for good forces in the universe Animal Totem: Raven (Wilson VFEM 34-35)
- Wisest of all birds and first to know all about the land
- Some tribes see the raven as mouthpiece or spokesperson for the Great Spirit
- Others see Raven as a trickster
- Build large nests on ledges or in the tops of trees
- Have five to seven eggs in nest
- Some tribes see Raven as good omen, others as bad
- Some believe Raven brings rain; others believe Raven holds back rain
- Many legends as to why Raven is black (believed to have originally been white)
- Punished for wrong doing; put out fire to save people; captured fire from sun, etc
- Raven people have the medicine power of the prophet
- Who declares the message of the Great Spirit, or God
- Very ecologically minded
- Can trick you into learning things that you may have been reticent to look into
- Are comfortable in both realms of earth and sky
- Their state of balance determines how far they can soar
- State of balance is more crucial for raven people than any other totem
- Can see any view point, both good and bad
- Are intelligent people, able to see many views
- Are group oriented; very loyal to any cooperative group
- Territorial and will defend own group Plant Totem: Mullein (Wilson VFEM 44-45)
- A very versatile and helpful herb
- Known as velvet leaf, flannel leaf, woolen blanket herb, candlewick, velvet dock
- Fruit produced in form of a pod
- Medicine power:
- Leaves made into a tea will soothe mucous membranes
- It is a remedy for problems of the lungs and heart
- It helps nervous systems, and relieves bladder, kidney, and liver problems
- It is a general astringent
- Native American ancestors smoked leaves rather than tobacco
- It relieves lung congestion and resultant maladies such as asthma and bronchitis
- Leaves also burned as incense for those conditions
- Oil from leaves used as eardrops, as wart remover, to relieve bruises,
- Also chapped skin and sprains
- Externally the tea is used to treat hemorrhoids, ulcers, tumors, throat swelling and muscle tenderness
- Mullein people have many versatile and helpful talents
- Have tremendous ability to shift and change
- Can be scratchy as wool one moment and soft as velvet the next
- Need to keep mullein around for their own use
- Out of balance, can have problems with bladder and kidneys, or nervous conditions
- Mullein can help relieve these problems
Vision: Roy Wilson ~ | ~
Sun Bear ~ | ~
Grey Wolf
Introduction: Page One
~ | ~ Page Two
~ | ~ Page Three
~ | ~ Page Four
~ | ~ Page Five ~ | ~
~ | ~ Sacred Altar
~ | ~ East
~ | ~ South
~ | ~ West
~ | ~ North ~ | ~
Inner Circle:
Owl ~ | ~ Cougar
~ | ~ Hawk ~ | ~ Coyote
~ | ~ Wolf ~ | ~ Bear
~ | ~ Raven ~ | ~
Outer Circle:
Snow Goose ~ | ~
Otter ~ | ~
Cougar ~ | ~
Hawk ~ | ~
Beaver ~ | ~
Deer ~ | ~
~ | ~ Flicker ~ | ~
Sturgeon ~ | ~
Bear ~ | ~
Raven ~ | ~
Snake ~ | ~
Elk ~ | ~
Blue ~ | ~