Native American Medicine Wheel
~ | ~ Owl
~ | ~ Cougar
~ | ~ Hawk
~ | ~ Coyote
~ | ~ Wolf
~ | ~ Bear
~ | ~ Raven ~ | ~
3.6 Bear - "Healer"
- Ordination, Amethyst, Indigo
3.6.1 Bear Spirit Messenger Associations Bear Spirit Messenger Revealing God as Healer (Wilson MW 107)
- Medicine clan, warrior clan, or leadership clan
- Spirit messenger revealing God as our healer, the one who will fight for us
- "Put on the whole armor of God" (Eph 6:11)
- Allow Holy Spirit to manifest God's self through us as warrior, physician Stone Medicine: Amethyst (Wilson VFEM 12)
"In the choice of stones, do wear the amethyst as a pendant about the neck, as part of the jewelry. This will also work with the colors to control temperament" (Cayce 3806-1)
- A crystalline form of quartz in lilac, purple, violet and transparent colors
- Royal purple most rare, most valuable
- A clear quartz, of purple to bluis violet color (Gems 11)
- Hardnes is 7; chemical formula is SiO2 (Gems 11)
- A trace of manganese may be present to give purplish coloration
- Found in Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia (formerly Czechoslovakia), and Rumania (Gems 11)
- In U.S. it occurs in Alexander and Lincoln counties of North Carolina; Amherst, Virginia; Yelowstone Park, Wyoming (Gems 11)
- In Canada, it is found in the Thunder Bay District of Ontario (Gems 11)
- In history, legend and mythology:
- Used in rings of Egyptian Pharaohs
- And rulers of the ancient Mayan and Aztecan civilizations
- Cleopatra wore an amethyst signet ring with an engraving of Persian Mithras
- Identified as the ninth stone of the High Pries'ts breastplate (Gems 11)
- Connect wiht the ninth celestial mansion of Sagittarius by ancient sages (Gems 11)
- The seventh precious stone given to Appolonius of Tyana by the sage Iachus (Gems 12)
- Given as an emblem of piety and dignity
- amethyst and amethystine color seen by Rosicrucians as a symbol of the divine male sacrifice (Gems 12, Kunz 269)
- the stone and color were typical of love, truth, passion, suffering, and hope
- Amethyst in crown of England
- Symbolic of good judgment, justice and courage
- Protects wearer from hail, lightning and witchcraft
- Wine cups form amethyst to protect from becoming drunk
- Worn to achieve spiritual attunement and to find balance
- Between spiritual and physical energies
"Again we would refer to the records as written here, regarding omens: Amethyst stones should ever be a portion about the body, either in amulets or adornments about the body. These in their very vibration will make for an influence that has to do with the entity in its innate and manifested expressions in its associations." (Cayce 1035-1) Color: Indigo Animal Totem: Bear (Wilson VFEM 20)
- The most powerful of all animals; power is the key word; they are careful and quiet
- They bark, growl, whine, and woof; they are omnivorous
- Live in dense, holes, caves, and under fallen trees
- Female lines den with leaves or grass, male does not line den
- Only animal more curious is a raccoon
- Mothers affectionate, but will literally spank cubs
- Males do not take part in raising young
- Can do many things humans do, as walk on two legs, climb trees, spear fish, etc.
- Native American legends speak of them as head of the council (of animals)
Introduction: Page One
~ | ~ Page Two
~ | ~ Page Three
~ | ~ Page Four
~ | ~ Page Five ~ | ~
~ | ~ Sacred Altar
~ | ~ East
~ | ~ South
~ | ~ West
~ | ~ North ~ | ~
Inner Circle:
Owl ~ | ~ Cougar
~ | ~ Hawk ~ | ~ Coyote
~ | ~ Wolf ~ | ~ Bear
~ | ~ Raven ~ | ~
Outer Circle:
Snow Goose ~ | ~
Otter ~ | ~
Cougar ~ | ~
Hawk ~ | ~
Beaver ~ | ~
Deer ~ | ~
~ | ~ Flicker ~ | ~
Sturgeon ~ | ~
Bear ~ | ~
Raven ~ | ~
Snake ~ | ~
Elk ~ | ~
Blue ~ | ~