Native American Medicine Wheel
Introduction: Page One
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~ | ~ Page Four
~ | ~ Page Five ~ | ~
1.5.3 Other Four Part References Four Areas of Life (Wilson MW 95-66)
- Physical (E)
- Mental (S)
- Sociological (W)
- Spiritual or philosophical (N) Four Main Human Philosophies (Wilson MW 95)
- E - Oriental - mindfulness philosophies, deal with mind and thinking
- S - Western - linear philosophies, dealing with body, physical sensation
- W - Eastern - spiritual philosophies, dealing with spirit, intuition
- N - Nature (aboriginal) - nature or aboriginal philosophies, dealing with heart, feelings Four-Leafed Clover
- First is for sunshine (E)
- Second for rain (W)
- Third for the flowers that grow in the lane (S)
- Last for the one I adore (N) Petra's Coloring Song
- Red (S), blood, birth, death, plan, life, one God
- Blue (N), heart so cold, will not bend when story told
- Gold (E), morning sun, shines freely on everyone, gives life, calms storm
- Brown (W) autumn leaves, when winter comes The Four Paths to the Sacred Altar (Wilson MW 129-140)
- E - Sacramental Door (sacrifice) - Buffalo, Turkey, Turtle, Owl
- S - Door of Service - Bear, Beaver, Ant, Squirrel
- W - Door of Incarnation - Eagle, Butterfly, Bat, Grouse
- N - Search for Truth and Knowledge - Cougar, Hawk, Goose, Wolf The Four Philosophies of India (Wilson MW 98-99)
- E - Artha - rising sun dispels darkness, brings enlightenment, self-aggrandizement
- S - Karma - sensual delight, pleasure
- W - Dharma - duty, virtue
- N - Moksha - culmination, fulfillment of individual's life
- "attained by going out into the forest" Dancing the Wheel with Mary E. Loomis
It is associated with feminine in all cultures;
Some form of cross exists in all cultures -
It represents four directions, doors to sacred altar;
Each door is drawing us closer to the center of the circle.
1.6 Notes
1.6.1 Ezekial 1:22-28 (NIV)
- Spread out above the heads of the living creatures was what looked like an expanse,
- Sparkling like ice and awesome.
- Under the expanse their wings were stretched out one toward the other,
- And each had two wings covering its body.
- When the creatures moved, I heard the sound of their wings,
- Like the roar of rushing waters,
- Like the voice of the Almighty,
- Like the tumult of an army.
- When they stood still, they lowered their wings.
- Then there came a voice from above the expanse over their heads
- As they stood with lowered wings.
- Above the expanse over their heads was what looked like a throne of sapphire,
- And high above on the throne was a figure like that of a man.
- I saw that from what appeared to be his waist he looked like glowing metal,
- As if full of fire; and brilliant light surrounded him.
- Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day,
- So was the radiance around him.
- This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord.
- When I saw it, I fell face-down, and I heard the voice of one speaking.
1.6.2 From Old Testament references
- The throne was of many colors
- Or gave this appearance because of its brilliance, just as a precious gemstone
- When viewing any finely cut gemstone, many colors will show through
- Colors from beyond the gemstone may pass through giving a different color
- Sapphire - blue represents the spirit or center
- Emerald - green represents human circle or the circle of 12
Introduction: Page One
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~ | ~ Page Five ~ | ~
~ | ~ Sacred Altar
~ | ~ East
~ | ~ South
~ | ~ West
~ | ~ North ~ | ~
Inner Circle:
Owl ~ | ~ Cougar
~ | ~ Hawk ~ | ~ Coyote
~ | ~ Wolf ~ | ~ Bear
~ | ~ Raven ~ | ~
Outer Circle:
Snow Goose ~ | ~
Otter ~ | ~
Cougar ~ | ~
Hawk ~ | ~
Beaver ~ | ~
Deer ~ | ~
~ | ~ Flicker ~ | ~
Sturgeon ~ | ~
Bear ~ | ~
Raven ~ | ~
Snake ~ | ~
Elk ~ | ~
Blue ~ | ~