Native American Medicine Wheel
~ | ~ Sacred Altar
~ | ~ East ~ | ~ South
~ | ~ West ~ | ~ North ~ | ~
2.2 South - red, yellow, white, or green
- Yellow and red = suns warmth in the South; Summer, power to grow
- White = glare, sun at zenith, see greatest distance
- Green = grow from Mother Earth, all plant life
- From Grandfather Sun at zenith, highest point in sky
- Penetrates with extra life giving forces
2.2.1 Medicine Wheels Wilson's Medicine Wheel (Wilson MW 45-50)
- Bear or Man Totem
- Ezekiel and John see Man; Amerindians see Bear
- "Mitakoye Oyisin" = we are all related (Lakota Sioux)
- Adam's relationship with the animals
- Ancient legend, two-leggeds and four-leggeds could go back and forth at will
- Creator made it no longer possible because of arguing with each other
- Bear clan two-leggeds are leaders
- When skinned, hides of bear and man appear the same/similar
- Door of Service
- Bear - "warrior, leader, healer"
- Beaver - "industrious one"
- Ant - "builder, carriage of heavy loads"
- Squirrel - "gatherer"
- Moons of the South
- Strong Sun Moon, June 21 - July 22
- Ripe Berries Moon, July 23 - August 22
- Harvest Moon, August 23 - September 22
- Summer Solstice - longest day is on June 21, after which the sun "dies" Sun Bear's Medicine Wheel
- Shawnodese, Spirit Keeper of the South
- Season is Summer
- Time of day is Midday
- Animal association is Coyote
- Colors are green and yellow
- Moons of the South
- Strong Sun Moon, June 21 - July 22
- Ripe Berries Moon, July 23 - August 22
- Harvest Moon, August 23 - September 22
2.2.2 Correlations for South Direction of Green or Growth, Development, Creativity
- Summer sun much higher than winter sun
- The higher Grandfather Sun is in the sky, the more he penetrates Mother Earth
- She becomes pregnant and gives birth (plants, growth)
- Green grass sprouts, flowers bud, fruit trees blossom
- Creativity and productivity
- Growth and development in youth as well as about generosity
- Its extreme warmth - passions, emotions, joy, anger
- Love, compassion, kindness, the heart, loyalty, gracefulness
- Sensitivity to the feelings of others
- Goal setting and determination Spirit-Who-Sees-Far
- Two traditional Native American worshipers
- One a hunter - "Great Spirit, help me to see my game at a great distance today"
- Similar to Christian praying to do well on a job
- Physical need: feeding, clothing, families
- Second may be tribe's holy man, a spiritual leader
- "Great Spirit, help me to see into the future... that I may warn or predict..."
- Prophecy to see the brotherhood of humans, ie Plmouth Rock, Jamestown, etc. The Age of Bronze of Humankind
- Middle East, c. 6,000-1,200 BCE; Europe c. 2000-500BCE
- The Great Mother, the Green Man, the Farmer and the Citizen Of the Bear or Man Totem for the South
- Bear Clan: warrior, medicine, or leadership clan
- Medicine power - healer, protector (warrior), leader
- Great Spirit - Holy essence is all these to its family on earth
- Become healers, leaders, protectors
- Respect elders, look to them for wisdom and leadership
- Even a child elder to a younger child needs to learn leadership responsibilities
- Humans need to be sensitive to responsibilities
- Allow Great Spirit to use medicine powers through us in healing
- Physical, mental, social, or spiritual
- Do we try to defend ourselves more than others?
- Square away shoulders, lift head high, allow potential for leadership to grow From the Cycle Teachings (Wilson MW 65-99)
- Youth of the Life Cycle
- Summer of the Annual Cycle
- The White Race (Europeans)
- Fire of the Elements
- Four-leggeds of Things that Breathe
- Sun above the Earth
- Stems of Green Things
- Month in Divisions of Time
- Month in Lunar Cycle from the Sets of Four
- Matthew of the Gospels
- Experience of John Wesley's Quadrilateral test
- The Via Creativa of Matthew Fox's Four Paths:
- Path Three, Befriending Creativity, Befriending Our Divine
- Red Horse of the Apocalypse
- Rider given a great sword; takes peace from earth so men slay one another
- Mental Area of Life
- Western Linear Philosophies, dealing with body, physical sensation
- "The flowers that grow in the lane" - third leaf in four-leaf clover
- Red of Petra's Coloring Song:
- Red is the color of the blood that flowed down the face of One who loved us so
- He's the perfect Man, he's the Lord's own Son
- He's the Son of Love that calmed the storm
- That can give us life, that can make us grow, that can make the love between us flow
- The Karma of the Four Philosophies of India: sensual delight, pleasure
2.2.3 Symbology of the Animals of the South (Wilson VFEM) Bear (Wilson VFEM 20)
- The most powerful of all animals; power is the key word; they are careful and quiet
- Bark, growl, whine and woof; live in dens, holes, caves, or under fallen trees
- Female lines her den with leaves or grass; male does not line his den
- Omivorous; only animal more curious is a raccoon
- Mothers are affectionate with cubs, but will literally spank them
- Males do not take part in raising young
- Can do many things humans do, as walk on two legs, climb trees, spear fish, etc.
- Native American legends speak of them as the head of the council (of animals) Beaver (Wilson VFEM 21)
- Builds dams and series of locks controlling flow of water from one dam to next
- Only animal outside of man that can alter its environment drastically
- Land mammal, spends much time in water; can remain in water 15 minutes or longer
- Only animal that never stops growing; mates for life
- Female kicks male out of the den when kits born, allows back in when convenient
- Has high-crowned large teeth that can replace themselves
- Large, flat tail serves as a rubber and balancer
- Front hands very nimble, can turn branches enabling it to eat bark, carry mud/leaves
- Rear paws large and webbed, allowing it to acquire amazing swimming speed Ant (Wilson VFEM 19)
- Carries loads many times its own weight; belongs to well-organized community
- Warriors, breeders, farmers, livestock herders, parents
- Workers, builders, slave-drivers, raiders
- Ant people can carry extra heavy loads whatever area of endeavor
- Good members of any team they are working for benefit of community endeavors
- Theirs is medicine power of patience Squirrel (Wilson VFEM 38)
- Gatherer and storer of nuts and seeds; plans ahead for winter
- Playful and fun-loving
- Squirrel people are great for networking and resourcing; also fun-loving
- Have medicine power of gathering and storing in times of need; are dependable
2.2.4 Other Associations
- Native American Associations:
- Wilson: Bear, Summer
- Sun Bear: Shawnodese, Coyote
Introduction: Page One
~ | ~ Page Two
~ | ~ Page Three
~ | ~ Page Four
~ | ~ Page Five ~ | ~
~ | ~ Sacred Altar
~ | ~ East
~ | ~ South
~ | ~ West
~ | ~ North ~ | ~
Inner Circle:
Owl ~ | ~ Cougar
~ | ~ Hawk ~ | ~ Coyote
~ | ~ Wolf ~ | ~ Bear
~ | ~ Raven ~ | ~
Outer Circle:
Snow Goose ~ | ~
Otter ~ | ~
Cougar ~ | ~
Hawk ~ | ~
Beaver ~ | ~
Deer ~ | ~
~ | ~ Flicker ~ | ~
Sturgeon ~ | ~
Bear ~ | ~
Raven ~ | ~
Snake ~ | ~
Elk ~ | ~
Blue ~ | ~