Native American Medicine Wheel
Introduction: Page One
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~ | ~ Page Five ~ | ~
1.5 The Number Four
Four directions, cycle of four, the circle
1.5.1 The Circle
- Archaic: no beginning, no end
- Eternal nature of life
- Life beyond "time consciousness"
- Corruptible put on incorruptible; mortal put on immortality (1 Cor 15:53)
- Fullness of life is present (vertical, spiraling upward)
- Sweat lodge is circular, represents entire universe; center is Great Spirit; another Medicine Wheel Sundance (from the center outward) (Wilson MW 66)
- Flowering tree at center, sacred altar
- Circle of dancers
- Circle of prayer sticks with colors of four directions
- Circle of people
- Circular path for dancers, for supporters as well (before entry into sacred circle)
- Arbor, community of family and friends Tribal councils traditionally in a circle (Wilson MW 67)
- Not in a straight-rowed "church" (square) with one perspective for all
- Perspective different from each point in circle
- Not proselytized, bigoted, narrow-minded, or judgmental
- Not exclusionist, arguing, or debating
- No attempt to convert tribal view of another
- All views valid Nature has circular view (Black Elk)
- Birds fly in circle, build home in circle
- Coyote in round holes in ground Shawnee circle of fullness (Wilson MW 68)
- Great house for celebration set as a large circle around a center pole
- Each of the poles with a skin, feather, or carved object, or plant represent whole of creation
- Finisher's care surround one who enters
- A microcosm of all life
- Reminds such power always surrounds on life's journey
- Circle of birth to death, rebirth on new plane of existence Circle not square (Wilson MW 68)
- School: square door, square clock, square windows, square books
- Square cap, square diploma
- Square pegs in round holes ??? Circle is everywhere
- Sun, moon, celestial bodies - circular orbits
- Everything in nature is round
- Nature/round teaches a full, balanced life Family circle (5)
- Immediate family
- Extended family
- Tribal circle
- Nationalities
- All humanity More Circles
- Ezekiel's Wheel within a wheel
- Israelites encircling Jericho
- God walks the circuit of heaven in Job
- Sun's circuit of the skies
- "He who sits on above the circle of the earth" (Isaiah 44:22)
- Elders in a circle around the throne (Rev)
- Circle of Paul's followers who prayed after he was stoned
- Encircling one another with love, care
- Networking, circle of prayer
- Balanced geometrical organization of a circular field in 5th millenium BC (Egypt)
- Binding figure in center, a cross, rosette, swastika
- Later occupied by a figure of a god, divinity, in carnate in king, in pharoah Every Circle has four directions
Life cycle, annual cycle... balanced by seeing all part of cycle as whole Four Faces - The Life Cycle (Wilson MW 70-75)
- Childhood, beginnings (E)
- Youth, growth and development (S)
- Adults, teaching the children (W)
- Elders, completion, culmination of life cycle (N)
- Non-Amerindians insist or demand that children be served first, instills a disrespect of elders
- Amerindians honor elders - elders served first; respect and reverence instilled Life Cycle of the United States (Wilson MW 75)
- Colonial days as its childhood ?
- Delcaration of Independence marking youth ?
- Industrial revolution, maturity ?
- Was that the end of a cultural era, or is the US still a youth ? what is next? Life Cycle of Christianity (Wilson MW 75-77)
- Apostles spread, ten imperial persecutions - the childhood ?
- Romanizing, its youth ?
- Protestant reform, its maturity ?
- Current ecumenical movement, its elder stage ?
- What's next ? The Four Seasons or Annual Cycle (Wilson MW 77)
- Spring, beginning (E)
- Summer, warmth (S)
- Fall, close of day, maturity (W)
- Winter, cold winds, culmination/completion (N) The Four Races (Wilson MW 77-78)
- Yellow = Oriental (E)
- White = European (S)
- Black = African (W)
- Red = Amerindian (N) Four Basic Elements of Nature (Western Elements) (Wilson MW 78)
- Air, see world around us (E)
- Fire, warmth (S)
- Water, rains (W)
- Earth (N) Four Things that Breathe (Wilson MW 78)
- Wingeds, fly through the air (E)
- Four-leggeds, created before Two-Leggeds (S)
- Two-Leggeds (W)
- Crawlers (N) Four Things Above the Earth (Wilson MW 79)
- Stars (E)
- Sun (S)
- Moon (W)
- Planets (N) Four Parts to Green Things (Wilson MW 79)
- Roots, beginning (E)
- Stem, burst from ground (S)
- Leaves, maturity (W)
- Fruit, culmination, tipen in age (N) Four Divisions in Time (Wilson MW 79)
- Day, daylight/sunrise (E)
- Moon, cycles/months (S)
- Night, Sunset (W)
- Year, culmination of all cycles (N) Animals of The Four Directions (Wilson MW 79-80)
- Buffalo - giver, complete sacrifice (E)
- Bear - warrior, medicine power (S)
- Eagle - Great Spirit within (W)
- Cougar - Huntress, Goddess within (N)
1.5.2 Biblical Fours The Four Gospels (Wilson MW 81-84)
- E - John: teaches that darkness cannot overcome; light of wisdom dispels darkness
- S - Matthew: see great distances, physically, spiritually, socially, philosophically
- Pray to foresee events (see prophetically); Matthew refers to past prophecies
- W - Luke: a Greek Doctor, educated in Hellenistic teachings of Greek philosophies
- Look for perfect human - physically, socially, mentally, spiritually
- Luke presents Jesus as perfect divine man
- Introspection, meditation, contemplation, clear self-knowledge
- Commitment to path of personal developement - healing, closer to perfection
- N - Mark: storms, both geophysically and in realm of individual and colletive lives
- Shortest of books, written to Romans (who lacked time to read)
- Action and conquest; miracle stories The Animals of the Four Gospels
- E - John - Eagle, Scorpio, water
- S - Matthew - Angel, Aquarius, Air
- W - Luke - Bull (Ox), Taurus, Earth
- N - Mark - Lion, Leo, Fire John Wesley's Quadrilateral (Methodist founder) (Wilson MW 84-86)
- Scriptures (E) Psalms 119:105
- Experience (S)
- Reason (W)
- Tradition (N) Wheel Within A Wheel: The Wheels Interface (Wilson MW 86-91)
- In scripture:
- Speaks of scripture (E of E)
- Speaks of experience (S of E)
- Speaks of reason (W of E)
- Speaks of tradition (N of E)
- In experience:
- Experience in scripture (E of S)
- Experience in experience (S of S)
- Experience in reason (W of S)
- Experience of tradition (N of S)
- In reason:
- Understanding of scripture (E of W)
- Understanding of experience (S of W)
- Understanding of reason (W of W)
- Understanding of tradition (N of W)
- In tradition:
- The ritual of passing on scripture (E of N)
- Of passing on experience (S of N)
- The ritual of passing on reason (W of N)
- Of passing on tradition (N of N) Matthew Fox's Four Paths (Wilson MW 91-94)
(Dominican scholar proponent of creation theology)
- E - the Via Positiva, Path One, Befriending Creation (the way of the positive)
- "Affirmation, thanksgiving, ecstasy"
- Ten themes (Section 2:; creative energy of God...
- W - the Via Negativa, Path Two, Befriending Darkness; letting go, letting be
- S - the Via Creativa, Path Three, Befriending Creativity, befriending our divinity
- N - the Via Transformation, Path Four, Befriending New Creation, "compassion, celebration, erotic justice" Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Wilson MW 94, Rev 6)
- E - 1) White - conquering to conquer; rider given a bow and a crown
- S - 2) Red - taking peace from earth; men slay one another; given a great sword
- W - 3) Black - rider given a balance
- A "quart of wheat for a denarius, three quarts of barley for a denarius,
- But do not harm oil and wine."
- N - 4) Pale - rider's name was Death, Hades followed him
- Given power to kill over a fourth of the earth
- With sword and famine, pestilence and wild beasts
Introduction: Page One
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~ | ~ Page Four
~ | ~ Page Five ~ | ~
~ | ~ Sacred Altar
~ | ~ East
~ | ~ South
~ | ~ West
~ | ~ North ~ | ~
Inner Circle:
Owl ~ | ~ Cougar
~ | ~ Hawk ~ | ~ Coyote
~ | ~ Wolf ~ | ~ Bear
~ | ~ Raven ~ | ~
Outer Circle:
Snow Goose ~ | ~
Otter ~ | ~
Cougar ~ | ~
Hawk ~ | ~
Beaver ~ | ~
Deer ~ | ~
~ | ~ Flicker ~ | ~
Sturgeon ~ | ~
Bear ~ | ~
Raven ~ | ~
Snake ~ | ~
Elk ~ | ~
Blue ~ | ~