Native American Medicine Wheel
~ | ~ Snow Goose
~ | ~ Otter
~ | ~ Cougar
~ | ~ Hawk
~ | ~ Beaver
~ | ~ Deer ~ | ~
~ | ~ Flicker
~ | ~ Sturgeon
~ | ~ Bear
~ | ~ Raven
~ | ~ Snake
~ | ~ Elk
~ | ~ Blue ~ | ~
4.10 Raven - Ducks Fly Moon
4.10.1 Medicine Wheel (Wilson MW 120-122)
- Ducks Fly Moon, Libra, September 23 - October 23
- West; animal is Raven; plant, Mullein; mineral, Jasper; color, Brown
Vision: Roy Wilson ~ | ~
Sun Bear ~ | ~ Grey Wolf Ducks Fly moon: Raven (Sun Bear MWEA 98-107)
- September 23 to October 23
- Mineral totem is jasper
- Plant totem is mullein
- Animal totem is raven
- Color is brown of the autumn earth
- Butterfly elemental clan
- Mineral Kingdom: Jasper
- A cryptocrystalline quartz; not chalcedony
- Shows granular rather than fibrous pattern under electron microscope
- Can come in many colors
- Brown ~ Reddish Brown ~ Black ~ Blue ~ Yellow ~ Green
- Also combinations known as picture jaspar
- Bloodstone is form association with people of this moon
- Green with red spots
- Also known as heliotrope
- Bloodstone jasper known to ancients around world:
- North America, Egypt, Babylon, China, and elsewhere
- Treasured as an amulet
- Particularly if found in shape of a heart
- Once believed to have power to give forth heat of the sun
- Source of name heliotrope ~ "sun-reflecting"
- Thought to cause water to boil if placed in it
- Many magical powers attributed to this stone
- Purported power to stop bleeding
- Believed to make owner invisible
- Carried to ensure a safe and long life
- Said to draw the poison from a snakebite or restore lost eyesight
- Also believed to bring rain if placed in water
- Until modern times, physicians used bloodstone to stop bleeding
- Pulverized, then mixed with egg white and honey
- Given to stop hemorrhage
- Bloodstone, along with other forms of jaspar
- Believed to give wearer power over bad spirits
- Thought to allow wearer to cast spells on others
- All forms considered stones that give blessing to owner
- All forms said to possess and attract earth energy
- Jaspar placed in water, left in morning sun thought to have particularly beneficial effects
- Like Jaspar, Raven people can come in a wide variety of forms
- Dependent on mood and balance at any given time
- In proper balance, most like bloodstone
- Have a wide range of mystical attributes
- Can be the most treasured amulet of their stone ~ all heart
- Kind, loving, considerate and truly concerned with the welfare of others
- When they have reached this state
- Have power to absorb warmth of the sun
- Able to reflect it to all those whom they meet
- When not found in this state, also like bloodstone
- They have the power to generate depths of depression or confusion
- Could cause water to boil by their intensity.
- Have tendency to fly from one mood or state to another in an instant
- Whichever state seems best to them at the time
- Once shifting to opposite pole, they feel quite comfortable
- Cannot understand why other people seem confused by this maneuvering
- Like bloodstone, these people have psychic powers
- Regardless of attainment of the use of these powers
- Sometimes gain use before arriving at a place of harmony when they will use them wisely
- Like their stone, they will often find they have the power to influence the lives of others greatly
- Temptation to use this power for personal gain
- Raven people tend toward physical attractiveness
- They can also use this to help them influence or manipulate those around them
- This can most often bring pain, confusion and suffering to themselves and others
- Those who have found the point of balance within themselves
- Use their special powers for the good of those around them
- Often talented healers or mediums for good forces of the universe
- Jaspar is a valuable stone to the people of this totem to have around
- Ability to attract blessings and energy of the earth to those who have it
- Being of their own nature, and of the Butterfly Clan
- Need to attract earth energy to become better grounded
- And get on with proper work of their lives
- Without this effort, they tend to to from one project to another
- More likely than others of this clan
- Never quite accomplish intended goals
- Plant Kingdom: Mullein
- This plant totem is an exceptionally helpful and versatile herb
- Also called velvet leaf, flannel leaf, woolen blanket herb, candelwick plant, velvet dock
- Alternate names give good description of the plant
- Large, light green velvety leaves in column from stout, erect, woolly stem
- Leaves basal, narrowing at base into wings
- Plant may grow to 5 or 6 feet in height
- Topped with spikelike central column from which flowers grow
- Flowers usually yellow, red, purple or brownish red
- Fruit is a capsule or pod; also grows from this central spike
- Widely distributed throughout all areas of the U.S. ~ rural and urban
- Also found in many other countries worldwide
- Mullien widely used for many years in all places where it is found
- Leaves can be made into a tea
- Soothes mucous membranes
- Helps relieve bladder, kidney and liver problems
- Helps in nervous conditions
- A general astringent
- First thought as a remedy for problems of the lungs and heart
- Through its soothing action on these organs, relieves kidney and bladder problems
- Tones the nervous system
- Natives smoked leaves rather than tobacco in many areas
- When smoked, helps relieve lung congestion
- Also its resultant maladies, as asthma and bronchitis
- Leaves also burned as incense to relieve these conditions
- Oil made from the mullien flowers has long been used as eardrops
- Also as a wart remover
- And to relieve bruises, sprains and chapped skin
- Externally, the tea is used to treat hemorrhoids, ulcers, tumors
- Also swelling of the throat and muscle tenderness
- Mullien was also credited with having antibiotic qualities
- From the Mullien, Raven people again reminded of their many versatile and helpful talents
- Also ability to shift and change
- Some names for this plant are descriptive of these people in their various stages of being
- Can be scratchy as wool on eday and soft as velvet the next
- When in woolen stage, sometimes difficult to be around
- Scratching themselves as well as others
- Requires large amounts of attention to help them get over the soreness they feel
- When like velvet, they are soothing and gentle and a pleasure to be near
- When Raven people like themselves, they ar capable of making others feel simply wonderful
- They will go far our of their way to show those around them how very special they are and how lovable
- In contact with such, you will feel like you are the nicest, most important person in the world
- And you will love them for making you feel thus
- Raven people, like the mulleinm can be very soothing to any ills, no matter the cause
- Their true concern will often give you the push you need to get on the road to recovery.
- When they are in a good frame of being
- Will generally listen to all of your problems
- Really try to help you solve them, or at least feel better about them
- Their openheartedness will sometimes make you feel as though you really don't have any problems at all.
- Like their plant, they can soothe you
- Often in a very physical way by hugging or caressing
- Raven people do like to give and receive physical affection
- People of this totem would do well to keep some mullien around for their own use
- They prove prone to problems with bladder and kidneys; nervous conditions
- Mullien can help relieve all of these
- These problems only arise when in states where they have lost touch with their central balance
- At such times, they get high-strung, irritable, given to paranoid thoughts
- If not able to bring themselves back into balance, physcial problems as these are likely to ensue
- Animal Kingdom: Raven
- The animal totem for those born under the Ducks Fly Moon is the raven.
- Raven is usually an all-black bird with a wedge-shaped tail
- As large as a red hawk, about twenty-nine inches in length
- Wingspan up to fifty-four inches
- Wings are long and pointed
- Bill is large and heavy
- Nostrils covered by bristly feathers called filoplumes
- Ravens usually have a tuft of feathers at their throat
- In the species known as the white-necked raven, this tuft is white
- This white is only seen when feathers blown by the wind or when courting
- Ravens found worldwide; in the U.S., most often in the western states
- Song is a loud croak
- Omnivorous, eating vegetables, small mammals, young birds, garbage and carrion
- Flight pattern is a "flap, soar, flap" pattern
- Capable of riding the winds with as much enjoyment as their hawk brothers
- Aerial displays are particularly dramatic during mating season
- Ravens sometimes aggressive, but most often wary
- Intelligent birds who know how to drop shellfish from air to break shells
- Group oriented and very defensive of their territory
- Will attack hawks, owls, and even eagles who intrude upon their space
- Gypsy people particularly admire crows and ravens for their loyalty to their tribe
- It is said that these birds have tribal councils
- If you've ever seen a flock of them sitting on a fence or pole talking with each other
- Even said that if these birds go against the laws of the tribe
- They will commit suicide by dropping from a high place
- Some ravens pair for life; others don't
- Build large ensts of sticks on ledges or near tops of trees
- Lay five to seven eggs, greenish spotted with brown
- Ravens fly with mouths open during hot weather
- To the Native people, ravens are thought as birds of balance between man and nature
- Almost all tribes have a legend about the raven, explaining why he is black
- In all of these, he begins as a white bird whose color was changed
- Either as punishment for wrongdoing or in an effort to help man
- Usually by trying to put out a fire that threatened the people
- To some, the raven is a bad omen; to others a god one
- To the Pueblo peoples, raven is connected with the kachina spirits
- Protect the villages and bring the rain
- Ravens have been attributed with
- bringing the dark clouds that bring rain
- Holding the dark rain clouds away
- Raven also credited with bringing the game
- And with holding the game away
- Whatever the tribal position, the raven was intimately linked with the world of humans and nature
- Like the raven, people of this totem are capable of soaring to and fro
- Of winging down to a place where they can absorb the good energy of the earth
- They are comfortable in both the realms of the earth and the realms of the sky
- How far they can soar depends on the state of balance achieved within themselves
- More than with any other totems of the Medicine Wheel
- A state of balance is crucial for those of the Raven
- Like their bird, they are capable of quickly soaring from one position to another
- If they have not come to a point of knowing themselves enough
to know where their center point really is,
this soaring can be exceptionally confusing to them and those around them
- When they have achieved this balance
- They are capabe of soaring from one realm to another
- Without ever losing sight of their own center
- Raven people in this condition are some of the most helpful people you can know
- Since they have suffered to get them to this point of harmony
they are capable, and willing, to help others achieve it
- The Raven totem is a paradoxical one
- Raven people exemplify the paradoxes of life in their own emotions
- They are capable of soaring high
- They can see both the good and the bad in any viewpoint
- Sometimes difficult to to see one is really preferable to another
- They are not quick to make decisions, until they have come to harmony
- Before this, the decision of one day will often change by the next
- Frequently indecisive, sometimes irresponsive
- Like the bird, they are wary, and with good reason
- They have probably been hurt by being gullible in the past
- They will tend to withdraw from a situation at any sign of danger
- Intelligent people, able to learn from all of the views and ideas they are capable of seeing
- Since used to living in an emotional world of change,
- Changes in the physical world don't bother them greatly
- They tend to be group oriented
- Happiest when with a group of people who share enough of their ideas that they feel secure
- When they have found such a group, they will be very cooperative with it and loyal to it
- They will also exhibit a spirit of defensiveness about this group and its territory
- Whether philosophical or literal
- If they feel those they love are threatened
- They will defend them against anything else, whatever its size or strength
- Because of their group loyalty
- They feel very bad if anything happens to make them go against a group they have joined
- Such a situation will knock them temporarily off balance, no matter how centered they are
- Like their totem, some Raven people pair for life while others don't
- If they have chosen a mate before they have coem to know their own harmony
- They sometimes find it difficult to keep up the relationship
- Frequently change their mind about their choice; whether right or not
- This constant ambivalence is enough to drive off any but the most determined mate
- Home is important to these folks
- Have an eye for attractive settings
- They are sure to place themselves in one
- Having a proper home important factor in determining state of harmony
- Also important for them to have animals in their household
- A concrete way to experience the link they have with nature
- As parents, raven people are very warm, loving, and soothing
- Difficult to be consistent with their children
- Feelings about discipline can change as quickly as their feelings on anything else
- The balanced Raven person is an exception to this
- Usually a model parent
- Gives their children the correct balance of love, discipline and independence
- Raven children, unless truly exceptional souls, usually have some difficulty
- They must test all possible ways of being in order to determine how they want to be
- They should be given some leeway to do this
- It will help them fidn their balance later in life
- But they need consisency from those around them
- They this need to experience the peace this can bring to others
- They are always very loving children
- Often very physically beautiful
- Always ready for a hug and kiss
- When Raven people have reached their personal balance
- Have ability to seek out all kinds of hidden things
- Both on this plane and on others
- At this point thay are able to personify the paradoxesof living
- Without being thrown by them
- They are capable of teaching others how to combine energy of earth and sky
- By doing so, they help to bring a balance between man and nature
- Just as the Native people credited ravens with doing
- People traveling around the wheel who find themselves in this position
- Will find the experiences of paradoxes in their own lives
- Much more direct and intense way than before
- By experiencing them, they will often find capability of resolving them
- They may discover how they can help to bring about a balance between themselves and nature
- They can explore their feelings about participating in and being loyal to groups
- Any groups with which they have wanted to become involved
- Color: Brown of the autumn earth
- Brown of the autumn earth
- Mother Earth has given so much to everything during summer season of growth
- She readies herself for a season in preparatin for the time of rest and renewal
- Brown has the ability to help people unite the power of earth
- With the power of the spirit through their own beings
- It is the color of being groudned and stable on this plane
- Also prepared to reach to the realms above
- Raven People seek to be in this state
- Are of great service when they achieve it
- Moon: Ducks Fly Moon
- Born under the first moon of Mudjekeewis, Spirit Keeper of the West
- Position helps Raven people to find balance
- Gifts of Mudjekeewis are strength and introspection
- If Raven people use these gift to look within
- They will come to a point of balance much faster
- Will be able to reach out and help others
- This goal they always carry in their hearts
- The Ducks Fly Moon follows the Autumn Equinox
- Brings the season of slowing down from the rapid growth of the season that has passed
- If Raven people learn to slow themselves down
- This too, will help them reach their point of balane
- Elemental Clan: Butterfly
- Raven people are compatible with their relations in the Butterfly Clan
- The people of the Otter and Deer
- Also with those of the Thunderbird clan
- People of the Red Hawk, Sturgeon and Elk
- They find their complement in the Red Hawk people
- The winged ones of the Thunderbird clan
Vision: Roy Wilson ~ | ~
Sun Bear ~ | ~ Grey Wolf
Introduction: Page One
~ | ~ Page Two
~ | ~ Page Three
~ | ~ Page Four
~ | ~ Page Five ~ | ~
~ | ~ Sacred Altar
~ | ~ East
~ | ~ South
~ | ~ West
~ | ~ North ~ | ~
Inner Circle:
Owl ~ | ~ Cougar
~ | ~ Hawk ~ | ~ Coyote
~ | ~ Wolf ~ | ~ Bear
~ | ~ Raven ~ | ~
Outer Circle:
Snow Goose ~ | ~
Otter ~ | ~
Cougar ~ | ~
Hawk ~ | ~
Beaver ~ | ~
Deer ~ | ~
~ | ~ Flicker ~ | ~
Sturgeon ~ | ~
Bear ~ | ~
Raven ~ | ~
Snake ~ | ~
Elk ~ | ~
Blue ~ | ~